6.12 release next week

Earl Hartwig (earl@fozzi.ocunix.on.ca)
Mon, 7 Mar 1994 23:40:52 +0100

Brent Mosbrook wrote on Mon 07Mar94 14:53 (-0500):
> Subject: Re: WAS Re: Black List... is hanging ZyXEL now

> On Sun, 6 Mar 1994, Gert Doering wrote:
> > Brent Mosbrook wrote:
> > > I would suggest putting in the upcoming 6.12? roms, that will have a 
> > > couple EDR fixes in them. 
> > 
> > When do you expect (roughly) them to come out?
> final beta begins this week.  barring any unforseen difficulties, they 
> should be released towards the end of next week.

when is the fix regarding CELP mode silence detection expected?

Earl Hartwig   earl@fozzi.ocunix.on.ca	 (613)729-4077 voice
Smile, people will think you are up to something.  (calvin & hobbes)