How to handle incompatible modems?

Russell Nelson (
Sun, 6 Mar 1994 22:21:00 +0100

   From: (Klaus Weidner)
   Date: 	Sun, 6 Mar 1994 15:46:54 +0100

   > I think they're both good ideas.  How about if I just hack the necessary
   > changes into vgetty's files, then send you diffs?  Then you can determine
   > the best way to add the changes.

   I'd like to do the modularization first, this should make it easier
   to localize the changes. I already have a set of patches for Rockwell

:)  And Gert says to do it as ifdefs first.

   What kind of voice commands does the Boca use?

Pretty similar to the ZyXEL.  There's #VBP, which emits a
constant-length, constant-pitch beep.  It uses a combination of
+FCLASS={0,1} AND #VCL={0,1} where the ZyXEL has +FCLASS={0,2,8}.
When you issue #VRD it just starts issuing DLE-escaped data.  It
issues DLE-d for dial tone, and DLE-s for silence.  I don't think the
silence level or length are programmable.  It's always listening for
DTMF or dial tone when you're in voice mode, so you can get
asynchronous DLE-digits or DLE-d's.  #VPL works as you might expect
-- DLE-^C terminates the play mode.  The data formats are CL1, AD3,
and AD4, and the sampling rate is always 9600 for this chipset.

One nice thing it has is local control over the phone.  It has two
relays -- one to go off-hook onto the line, and another to go off-hook
onto the phone (with local power for the phone).  So, you can record
without any fussing around.

Unfortunately, the spec sheet doesn't explain any of the #V commands,
so some of the above are guesses.  You need the appropriate
application note to get the details on voice mode.  I've got the email
address of someone at Cirrus Logic who has the app notes.  Hopefully
he can help get them to me.

-russ <>
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