WAS Re: Black List... is hanging ZyXEL now

Klaus Lichtenwalder (lichtenw@guug.de)
Fri, 4 Mar 1994 09:31:28 +0100

> ummm, in my case mgetty for some time tries to reset
> the modem, setting DTR, but eventually it gives up,
> leaving the modem with DTR unset, CTS set. 
Right, DTR has to be unset because no process is active on that port.
The point is that the modem not longer responds to raising and lowering
the DTR line nor to the +++ escape code unless it gets power cycled. 
(init: process respawning too fast, does this sound familiar?)
That's not what I call well behaved, especially if the modem hangs at
8:00 pm and you wanted to poll news some time later !
