WAS Re: Black List... is hanging ZyXEL now

Chris Lewis (clewis@ferret.ocunix.on.ca)
Fri, 4 Mar 1994 04:38:29 +0100

On Mar 3, 12:37, Klaus Lichtenwalder wrote:
} Subject: Re: WAS Re: Black List... is hanging ZyXEL now

} > Ummm, well, I don't think a race condition in the host could crash the
} > modem...

} Considering my observations, there are some (well, let's say could be) some
} race conditions with may disturb the modem: some interaction between
} incoming calls and lowering/raising DTR due to (computer-)internal
} operations because some process just gave up/needed the modem.

Did anyone catch the comment I had about modem hangs I see?  6.20b6

Occasionally, the modem will go catatonic, and neither DTR drop
nor "+++" will wake it up.  It *appears* to be dialins that drop
early, perhaps even before mgetty has sent the ATA.  My Zyxel
contact (George van der Bunte at OCOMP Canada), suggested that the
modem may be listening for CND (I have CND enabled) or EDR (is that
what it's called?) tones which never come, and isn't listening to the
RS232 port.  I haven't noticed what state CTS is in.

Last time this occured, I tried dialing in to the modem using
an ordinary telephone, and that cleared the problem.

Chris Lewis; clewis@ferret.ocunix.on.ca; Phone: Canada 613 832-0541
Ferret list: ferret-request@ferret.ocunix.on.ca
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