WAS Re: Black List... is hanging ZyXEL now

Klaus Lichtenwalder (lichtenw@guug.de)
Thu, 3 Mar 1994 18:37:42 +0100

> Ummm, well, I don't think a race condition in the host could crash the
> modem...
Considering my observations, there are some (well, let's say could be) some
race conditions with may disturb the modem: some interaction between
incoming calls and lowering/raising DTR due to (computer-)internal
operations because some process just gave up/needed the modem.

> The only thing that I could imagine is an attempt to dial out and an
> incoming RING in the same second (millisecond?) - that could confuse the
> modem. Though I don't think so...
See above.

> My experience lately has been that sometimes the modem seems to lower CTS
> if an incoming call fails, but doesn't lower DCD or so - the process hangs
> on the port and doesn't get a SIGHUP until I swtich off the modem. Did not
> yet find the time to investigate more closely.
If the CTS(and DTR)-Led tells the truth about the signal line, then that's 
not the case with me, but I have to fully support your last sentence ;-> No
time yet.
