None (
Fri, 4 Mar 1994 01:01:22 +0100

Subject: SUMMARY: suspective fax machines

I'm collecting all data concerning suspective fax
machines, i.e. those which made problems in cooperating
with sendfax. The main reason is to find out whether
there are specific fax machines that refuse to work
with sendfax and/or your fax modem. As a goal, we will
be able to track down the bug(s). 

To contribute, please fill in the following template
and send it to me (

1. <fax machine's brand and model>
2. <corresponding fax number> (optional)
3. <fax modem brand and model>
4. <fax modem's firmware revision>      # tbd from ATI1
5. <protocol parameters>		# tbd from Faxlog
6. <errlog line from Faxlog>		# tbd from Faxlog
7. <remarks>

If you encounter problems with a fax machine, please
call the receiving party and ask them for their fax
machine's brand & model and if they are willing to
offer their machine for some (limited) testing. 

The more exact your data is (the first 3 entries aren't
too good :-} ), the better the result will be,
This list is posted once a month (automatically) and if
five new entries were added to it (manually).

Thank you much.

--------------------------------- snip ---------------------------------

Here's what's already in the list:

1. Panasonic Panafax UF311
2. +49 241 8896420
3. ZyXEL U1496EG+
4. U1496EG V 6.10g P
5. +FDCS:1,3,0,2,0,0,0,4
6. (Unspecified Transmit Phase D error)
7. when sending 15 pg, connection broke after 6 pg. 

1. NEC Nefax 17
2. +49 89 74824899
3. ZyXEL U1496EG+
4. U1496EG V 6.10g P
5. +FDCS:1,3,0,2,1,0,0,4
6. (Unspecified Transmit Phase D error)
7. machine didn't refuse when sending only 3 pages
   earlier. This time, 15 pg were sent.

1. Telekom AF-310
2. +49 7231 560851
3. ZyXEL ?
4. 6.01, 6.10a, 6.11a
5. +FDCS:1,3,0,2,0,0,0,4
6. +FTPS:2 -> page bad, retrain requested
7. sendfax hangs up after three tries.