Russell Nelson (
Thu, 3 Mar 1994 04:05:00 +0100

   From: (Klaus Weidner)
   Date: 	Wed, 2 Mar 1994 21:35:34 +0100
   Cc: (Russell Nelson) wrote:
   > It would be even cooler if zplay emitted the digits as it got them.  That
   > way, 'expect' could be used to control the message playback in any manner.

   I'm not sure what the advantage of that would be.

Okay, let me try zplay -C and zplay -D, and see what (if anything)
I can't do.

   > Gee, if you're up particularly early, you'll get this message a few
   > minutes after I hit return.  But for myself, I sleep now.


   If you catch me programming at 7.00 in the morning it is because I
   stayed up late, not because I got up early. Are there any programmers
   that are happy with a 9-to-5 (a.m. to p.m.) work schedule? 

Actually, I work 9-5, and 22-00 usually.  Children's hours and
programmer's hours don't work very well, so since they're not going to
be children forever, I keep their hours.  I also know someone who
works 20-04.  But he's the boss at his company.  :)

-russ <>
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