faxspool(1) / faxqueue(5): please comment

Gert Doering (gert@greenie.muc.de)
Thu, 3 Mar 1994 12:59:19 +0100


I've just finished reworking much of faxspool and heavily extending the
format of the fax queue "JOB" file. I've written two manpages for that,
but want to make sure that they are easily understandable and that I did
not miss some important case.

So, please read the following man pages and send me your comments.



faxspool(1)           mgetty+sendfax manual           faxspool(1)

       faxspool  -  queue and convert files for faxing with send-

       faxspool [options] phone-number file

       Queue the named files for later  transmission  with  send-
       fax(8).   The  input  files are converted to G3 fax files,
       spooled to /usr/spool/fax/outgoing/<dir>/f*.g3, and queued
       for transmssion to the fax address "phone-number".

       On  top of each page, faxspool puts a header line, telling
       the other side the number of pages, the  sending  fax  id,
       and  whatever  you  like.  The  format  of  this  line  is
       (finally)      configurable       via       the       file
       /usr/local/lib/mgetty+sendfax/faxheader   .    This   file
       should contain a few lines text, at best, only  one  line.
       This  text  may  contain  some tokes, that is, @T@ for the
       remote telephone number, @U@ for the  sending  user  name,
       @P@  for  the  page number and @M@ for the total number of

       If   "phone-number"   contains   non-numeric   characters,
       faxspool interprets it as an alias and tries to look it up
       in /usr/local/lib/mgetty+sendfax/aliases and $HOME/.faxnrs
       .   These  files  have  a very simple format: one line per
       alias, alias name first, blank, phone number.

       Access control is handled similar  to  the  way  "crontab"
       does it: if a file /usr/local/lib/mgetty+sendfax/fax.allow
       exists, only those users listed in that file (one name per
       line) may use the fax service. If it does not exist, but a
       file  /usr/local/lib/mgetty+sendfax/fax.deny  exists,  all
       users  but  those listed in that file may use faxspool(1),
       and if neither file exists,  only  root  may  send  faxes.
       (Note:  if the user name in the fax.allow file is followed
       by a blank, the rest of that line is ignored.  Some  other
       fax spooling software uses this to store additional infor-
       mations about the user sending the request).

       -n     Tells faxspool to use normal resolution (as opposed
              to the default, high resolution)

       -q     do not output progress messages (file ... is format
              ..., spooling to ...).  Error messages will be seen

       -f <mail address>
              Use  the  adress  given  for  the  status mail that
              faxrunq(1) sends after comleting /  dequeueing  the
              request.  If  no  mail  address  is  specified, the

greenie                     27 Oct 93                           1

faxspool(1)           mgetty+sendfax manual           faxspool(1)

              requesting user (on the  local  machine)  gets  the

       -u <user name>
              Do not use the current user ID for authentification
              purpose but the user name specified. Since this can
              lead  to  easy  breach  of security, only "trusted"
              users may use this flag. Currently, those users are
              "root",  "lp"  and  "daemon"  (hardwired  into  the
              code). Note: the status mail will still go  to  the
              user  running faxspool(1) unless changed with "-f".

       -D <destination>
              Verbose form of the fax's  destination.  Used  only
              for  informational  purposes, that is, faxq(1) will
              show it, and faxrunq(1) will put it into the return
              mail  ("Subject:  your  mail  from ..."). Later, it
              will also be put into the fax's page headers.

       -p     Spool a request that will try polling (see "sendfax
              -p").  The  implementation isn't too smart yet, the
              polled files will simply go into  the  job's  spool

       -m <phone1> <phone2> <phone3> ... --
              Multicasting  -  send  the  specified  files to all
              phone numbers in the list  given  after  "-m".  The
              list  is  terminated  with "--". "-m" has to be the
              last option on the command line.

       -M <file name>
              Multicasting - read a list of telephone numbers  to
              send  the fax to from the given file. Do not use in
              conjunction with "-m".

              fax spool directory

              global fax alias file

              private fax alias file

              list of allowed users

              list of denied users

              fax page header

greenie                     27 Oct 93                           2

faxspool(1)           mgetty+sendfax manual           faxspool(1)

       faxspool is not too smart about recognizing file types

       faxspool does only do limited access control - if  a  user
       can  write  to  the fax spool directory, he can bypass the
       "access control"

       faxspool doesn't honour the "-n" flag

       faxspool cannot do time scheduling

       Multicasting with the -m and -M  options  are  not  imple-
       mented yet.

       g3cat(1),  pbmtog3(1),  sendfax(8),  faxrunq(1),  faxq(1),

       faxspool  is  Copyright  (C)   1993   by   Gert   Doering,
       <gert@greenie.muc.de>.  Access  control and alias handling
       suggested by Caz Yokoyama,  <caz@shoki.osk.psq.mei.co.jp>.

greenie                     27 Oct 93                           3


faxqueue(5)           mgetty+sendfax manual           faxqueue(5)

       faxqueue - sendfax fax spool queue control files


       The  JOB  files  in the subdirectories of the outgoing fax
       spool directory, /usr/spool/fax/outgoing, build up a queue
       of  faxes  to  be  sent by faxrunq(1). They are created by
       faxspool(1), can be viewed with faxq(1), and be deleted by

       The format of the JOB file is as follows:

       Each  line  consists  of  a leading keyword and associated
       data (rest of the line). Some are  required,  some  others
       are optional. The currently implemented keywords are:

       phone <number>
              The  telephone number to send the fax to. Required.

       user <user>
              The originating user name (on the  local  machine).
              If  no  "mail" field is present, this user will get
              the status mails about the fax. Required.

       mail <email>
              If this field is present, faxrunq(1) will send  its
              status  mails  to  the  address given here. If not,
              faxrunq(1) will use the "user" field.  Optional.

       input <file(s)>
              The file names  passed  to  faxspool(1).  Optional,
              used only by faxq(1).

       pages <file(s)>
              The file names, relative to the directory where the
              JOB file is found, that are to be sent  with  send-
              fax(1). The files have to exist, and be readable by
              the user that runs faxrunq(1). Required.

       Status <message>
              Automatically appended  by  faxrunq(1)  after  each
              run,  tells  the reader about successful and unsuc-
              cessful tries to send this job. If more  than  five
              "FATAL"  errors  are listed, the fax job is removed
              from the queue.

       verbose_to <blurb>
              A plain-text description of  the  receiver  of  the
              fax.  Is returned, if present, in the mail messages

greenie                      2 Feb 94                           1

faxqueue(5)           mgetty+sendfax manual           faxqueue(5)

              "your fax to <blurb>". Optional.

       poll   flag token. If present, faxrunq will  try  to  poll
              the  given phone number for documents (see "sendfax

       While a given JOB file is processed  by  faxrunq(1),  it's
       locked  against  sending  it  multiple times by temorarily
       renaming it to JOB.locked,  thus  it  may  happen  that  a
       faxq(1) command doesn't show this job.

       When  a job is successfully sent, it's not deleted but the
       JOB file is renamed to JOB.done.  Because of this, you can
       still  see  old jobs with "faxq -o". You should regularily
       clean up the outgoing fax directory, removing  old  faxes.
       If  you  don't  want this behaviour, look into the faxrunq
       shell script, and remove the comment signs before the code
       to delete the job files.

       When  a  job cannot be sent in five tries, the JOB file is
       renamed to JOB.suspended.  To re-queue  this  job,  rename
       the JOB file back and remove all the "Status" lines in it.

       faxrunq(1), faxspool(1), faxrm(1), faxq(1)

greenie                      2 Feb 94                           2

It can hardly be a coincidence that no language on Earth has ever
produced the expression `as pretty as an airport'.        -- D.Adams