Black List for Fax Receivers ? (
Thu, 3 Mar 1994 19:26:12 +0100


   > Problems with certain fax receivers were mentioned from
   > time to time on the channel. Is anyone assembling a
   > list with fax machines that are known to refuse to work
   > with Zyxels correctly? Do all newer Zyxels react in the
   > same manner? 

   many fax issues are related to specific rom revision levels.  At the 
   moment, I only know of 1 fax machine that REFUSES to work with sendfax 
   and the ZyXEL (AF-310?).  If you have an older rom rev (6.10 or below), 
   you could also have problems with certain Sharp fax machines.

At the moment, my short list consists of few machines:

Panasonic	Panafax UF311		(U1496EG V 6.10g P)
NEC		Nefax 17		(ditto)
Telekom 	AF-310			(Gert ?)

Don't get me wrong. The issue is _not_ to blame Zyxel
modems (which I personally still prefer) but to find
out which modems are known not to work correctly with
which fax machines. However, any tech support is
heartly appreciated...

My prob still is that I _have_ the EG+ (as a
professional user, the editorial office of iX mag
cannot use non-Post-approved modems, and I wanted a
Zyxel), and that this is going to be the networking fax
solution for the office, and that I have users... (kill
-9 $user doesn't always help ;-).


Harald Milz 				phone +49 (511) 53 52-377
iX Multiuser Multitasking Magazine	fax   +49 (511) 53 52-378
Helstorfer Str. 7, D-30625 Hannover	office:
P.O. Box 61 04 07, D-30604 Hannover	private: