TBA: Black List for Fax Receivers

hm@ix.de (hm@ix.de)
Thu, 3 Mar 1994 18:24:30 +0100


   Do you have a list of receiving machines that "reliably fail"? Is there
   one among them that would be willing to volunteer as receiving site for
   some major test series?

That's what I want to assemble if nobody else has
already done it. So, folks, I volunteer to compile a
list of "suspicious fax machines". If you encounter
"protocol failures", "+FHNG:54" or stuff like that,
please call the receiving party and ask them for the
brand and type of the fax receiver. Then please send me
following data:

- your fax modem type and firmware revision (ATI1 in
  most cases should give you the idea)
- your sendfax version number and any patches applied
- brand & type of receiving fax machine
- the protocol parameters used (tbd from Faxlog: the
  "+FDIS:1,3,0,2,0,0,0,4" line)
- a short description of the error occured (the
  corresponding line from Faxlog should suffice)

I am going to collect this stuff and post it regularly
or upon request. I really hope that we can determine
which fax machines generate problems (and track down
the reasons for probs). At worst, we'll see that there
is no system behind failures, and that problems occur
at random. Then we have just another problem. 

Any comments or wishes?


Harald Milz 				phone +49 (511) 53 52-377
iX Multiuser Multitasking Magazine	fax   +49 (511) 53 52-378
Helstorfer Str. 7, D-30625 Hannover	office:  hm@ix.de
P.O. Box 61 04 07, D-30604 Hannover	private: hm@seneca.ix.de