Gert Doering (
Wed, 2 Mar 1994 23:53:50 +0100


Klaus Weidner wrote:
> > Gee, if you're up particularly early, you'll get this message a few
> > minutes after I hit return.  But for myself, I sleep now.
> :-)
> If you catch me programming at 7.00 in the morning it is because I
> stayed up late, not because I got up early. Are there any programmers
> that are happy with a 9-to-5 (a.m. to p.m.) work schedule? 

Well, at 7 am, I'm sleeping. Always (except when I'm skiing) - that's
why all the people are phoning me there ;-S


Ok, Ihr habt gewonnen, hier ist eine neue signature...

Gert Doering - Munich, Germany                   
fax: +49-89-3243328