Russell Nelson (
Wed, 2 Mar 1994 07:04:00 +0100

   Most of the functionality needed for voice mailbox operations ought to
   be included in zplay by now, i.e. you can use something like this
   in a shell script to get the phone number:

	   NUM=`zplay -StC $VM/TypeYourPhoneNumberNow`

   This will play the voice file and store the DTMF digits received in

It would be even cooler if zplay emitted the digits as it got them.  That
way, 'expect' could be used to control the message playback in any manner.

How about having zplay accept a "DTMF max length" option, and if more
DTMF is received, it gets sent to stderr.  Then, expect could run zplay
with that option set to zero.

Or maybe, instead of ignoring the DTMF digits if use_commands is false,
just print them to stderr?

Or maybe, change -D so that it causes DTMF digits to be sent to stderr
as they're received.  Then a shell script can capture them using
"zplay ... 2> /tmp/zplay.$$".

   Something that is still missing, but that I'm working on, is to 
   replace the entire answering sequence with a shell script.

How about checking for special file which, if it exists, is executed
instead of the message-beep-record C code?

Gee, if you're up particularly early, you'll get this message a few
minutes after I hit return.  But for myself, I sleep now.

-russ <>
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