ZyXEL internal speaker

Steven Work (steve@work.bellingham.wa.us)
Tue, 1 Mar 1994 23:01:00 +0100

>>>>> "Klaus" == Klaus Weidner <klaus@snarc.greenie.muc.de> writes:

    Klaus> Hello, are there any plans to put a better internal speaker
    Klaus> into the newer ZyXELs? The metal-membrane one really isn't
    Klaus> very well suited for voice playback, and there seems to be
    Klaus> plenty of room for a normal paper membrane speaker in the
    Klaus> external models.  I've put one in, and it sounds quite a
    Klaus> bit better than the old one.

I went one better (well, farther anyway...)  I put a jack in the side
for an external speaker.  Works fine.  Then I put an audio-tape pot in
the speaker for an old-fashioned volume knob, that seems to work well
too.  (Yes, I know nothing about what this does to the speaker-driver
parts in the modem--Brent?  And yes, this killed the warranty I'm
sure.)  Unplug the jack, you get the internal speaker.

Steven Work
Renaissance Labs
Bellingham, WA
+1 206 647-1833