Gert Doering (
Tue, 1 Mar 1994 22:08:26 +0100


Klaus Weidner wrote:
> Most of the functionality needed for voice mailbox operations ought to
> be included in zplay by now, i.e. you can use something like this
> in a shell script to get the phone number:
> 	NUM=`zplay -StC $VM/TypeYourPhoneNumberNow`

Quite good. Just one thing: is $VM some special "vgetty magic", or is it
just some variable from your shell script?

> I will make this optional, since the C code is probably more
> robust (no need to spawn additional processes). It would be useful
> for special cases, though.

Sounds reasonable.

> > TCL doesn't make mgetty that much bigger.  modgetty (which uses TCL but
> > whose record is broken) is only about 40K bigger including the shared
> > TCL library.
> I'm not exactly thrilled with the idea, since it would require a rewrite
> of much of the code (plus a book on TCL and a lot of spare time...).
                            ^^ good argument ;-)

Ok, Ihr habt gewonnen, hier ist eine neue signature...

Gert Doering - Munich, Germany                   
fax: +49-89-3243328