vgetty: distinctive RING

Gert Doering (
Tue, 1 Mar 1994 14:25:26 +0100


Russell Nelson wrote:
>    On Mon, 28 Feb 1994, Russell Nelson wrote:
>    > BTW, it'd be nice if there was an option to answer as FAX-only.  I've
>    > noticed that some FAX modems get confused when they receive modem
>    > tones first.  And on my Distinctive Ring line, I only ever get FAXes.
>    how about issuing &N32 before ATA on "RING X"??
> Well sure, that's exactly what needs to be done, but if I change my
> version of the program, then I have to keep changing it whenever Gert
> puts one out.  Whereas, if it's an option, or in a TCL script, it
> gets preserved from version to version.

Klaus is busy working something like a "switch-modem-to-fax-only" command
into vgetty. mgetty will follow somewhat later.


Ok, Ihr habt gewonnen, hier ist eine neue signature...

Gert Doering - Munich, Germany                   
fax: +49-89-3243328