Chris Lewis (clewis@FERRET.OCUNIX.ON.CA)
Tue, 1 Mar 1994 14:08:38 +0100

On Feb 28, 16:45, Gert Doering wrote:
} I'm not so keen on having to rely on yet another package for mgetty
} operations (Chris L., does that sound familiar??) - after all, one of the
} big benefits of mgetty compared to the other packages is portability
} (Chris Lewis grinning again... ;-) ) - and the gains of TCL are - IMHO -
} not worth the effort of changing the complete internal structure of mgetty
} to be able to use it...

I'd be (cautiously) in favour of TCL (or Elk or Scheme) if it gains us all
the modem parameterization we've been talking about...  But it's likely
to be a rather radical change to the internals.

Incidentally, I'm out of the active development loop for the moment because
I'm trying to reinstall all of my system configuration onto my new
RS/6000 220.  mgetty is one of the next couple of things, so we should get
all of the AIX problems swatted shortly...  Especially the "device in use"
ones ;-)

Chris Lewis;; Phone: Canada 613 832-0541
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