modem list

Chris Lewis (clewis@FERRET.OCUNIX.ON.CA)
Tue, 1 Mar 1994 00:07:04 +0100

On Feb 19,  7:35, Claude Gelinas Agr. wrote:
} Subject: modem list
} Hello
} could someone forward me a list of modem brand available in canada, preferably
} in quebec, that are able to work for modemming, faxing, and voice.

All of the major modems are available in Canada.  Telebit Worldblazers
(no voice) are available from UUNET Canada, and Zyxel from OCOMP.
Both in Toronto.  Zyxels seem about the best in the modem/fax/voice
together department.  Supras and US Robotics are available in many
computer stores, and I've seen many others.
} Is there as FAQ on modem brand and how they perform

No, because it's much too difficult a job to do properly.  The closest
is a FAQ listing some specific technical issues.  Someone in Toronto
posts it, but I forget his name.

Chris Lewis;; Phone: Canada 613 832-0541
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