Page length, overlays, mixed text & graphics: HOW?

Larry Troth (
Sat, 28 Feb 1998 01:58:29 +0100

The following information is from: Larry Troth

I am just setting up a system for my end-user with mgetty+sendfax and
the fax utilities that are supplied with this wonderful package.
I am, however, lacking information on how I can get better control on
the length of the pages sent (I need 11 inches INCLUDING the fax
hedaing line) and how to mix graphics and text on a single 11" page.
(ie. I want to put a tiff image of the company logo at the top of the
cover page.)
Can anyone help me?
I have just subscribed to this list (60 seconds ago or so) so I would
request that you send any responses directly to me at ''.
Your support and assistance are greatly appreciated. (And will help
bring Linux into the commercial world! The system that I am working on
has replaced a SCO Unix system in order to keep the hardware alive a
little longer and implement networking.)
  ***** End of cover message *****