sendfax problems

Gert Doering (
Fri, 27 Feb 1998 21:56:41 +0100


(I took the liberty to CC: it to the list again - it's "list related" after
all :-) ).

Russell King wrote:
> Gert Doering writes:
> > *sigh* - this is asked about once a week in the mgetty list.
> > 
> > THe answer is always the same: windows uses class 1, which doesn't require
> > any brains in the modem, but doesn't work under Linux.
> Have you thought about setting up a filter on your mailbox to automatically
> reply with a preformatted answer to any mail that contains the words 'fax',
> 'doesn't', 'windows', and 'why'? ;)

Well, I have. Or just have a few pre-formatted replies that I'd just
copy in with ":r mgetty/faq/windows-class1.txt"...

But then, I'm the friendly type that will cook up a personal reply to
everything :-/

> Naturally, it should be set up to recognise both English and German
> translations! ;)
> BTW, I now notice that the mailing list is now getting replies in German
> as well (dispite your best efforts to keep it English)...

Well, actually I have given up flaming people. It's useless. What I do
now is just ignoring all non-English articles - if someone wants to
answer, okay, but I won't. Maybe *that* will help (and it saves time).


USENET is *not* the non-clickable part of WWW!
Gert Doering - Munich, Germany
fax: +49-89-35655025