Vgetty with faxgetty

Pascal Rheinert (
Fri, 27 Feb 1998 10:45:39 +0100


I use a Dynalink faxmodem and want to
use it under Linux (Suse 5.1)
to deal with voice/fax/data - calls.
(I know that this works since the software
for Win95 does it!).
Fax and data response seem to work fine but
it never answers a voice call.
If I include in the config-file for the
modem (in /var/spool/fax/etc/config.modem) 
AdaptiveAnswer:	 yes
AnswerRotary:	 "voice voice" (just to test it),

then faxgetty doesn't answer the phone at all!
On the other hand /usr/sbin/mgetty is invoked
correctly when it is its turn in the AnswerRotary.
Does anyone encountered the same problem?
Maybe I should recompile faxgetty and hylafax
even though the Suse support said that
faxgetty should invoke the vgetty programme.
Or did I something wrong?
Who has a running faxgetty that invokes
vgetty correctly.
Thanks a lot for your help..
	.. I am desperate ..


Pascal Rheinert    e-mail:
Lehrstuhl fuer Energieversorgung  Tel : 49-681-302-4182
Universitaet des Saarlandes  Fax : 49-681-302-4699
66123 Saarbruecken
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