sendfax problems

Gert Doering (
Fri, 27 Feb 1998 12:07:24 +0100


Norbert Preining wrote:
> > this is fairly normal for USR Sportster modems with a recent firmware.
> > Somewhere in 1996, most of the different Sportster models lost their
> > ability to reliably fax in class 2.0 mode (about 95% of the "it doesn't
> > work" mails on the mgetty mailing list are caused by USR Sportster models,
> > and the symptoms are always the same: firmware problems leading to
> > negotiation failures).
> But how to solve the problem? It should be possible to send a fax
> with this modem (from windoof its working!).

*sigh* - this is asked about once a week in the mgetty list.

THe answer is always the same: windows uses class 1, which doesn't require
any brains in the modem, but doesn't work under Linux.

> I tried to set the modem in Class2 ( -C cls2 ) but I got the following

The modem can't do class 2.


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Gert Doering - Munich, Germany
fax: +49-89-35655025