usr compresion problems

Roman Milner (
Thu, 26 Feb 1998 23:07:07 +0100

	Hi again. I've got another problem with vgetty. When I use
rec_compresion 0 I cant' use rmdtopvf on the file it says:

rmdtopvf: bad frame in input
rmdtopvf: Unsupported compression method (US Robotics/1

	When I use rec_compresion 4 I can play the messages fine but
the modem never hangs up after taking a message. It stays off the
hook forever.

	I'm using a usr sportster 33.6.

	Any help is much appreciated.


Right now I'm having amnesia and deja vu at the same time. I think I've
  forgotten this before.

-- Steven Wright 
Roman Milner