ppp? need help

Gernot Zander (hifi@gmx.de)
Sun, 22 Feb 1998 11:57:44 +0100


in de.alt.comm.mgetty Frank Wallacher <winbbs@handshake.de> wrote:

> As I know, mgetty has the possibility for auto ppp detection, but I
> donīt know how to set up.
> What configuration files I need?

 /AutoPPP/ - ppp  /usr/sbin/pppd auth -chap +pap login
 port ttyS1
 # CLASS 2.0 modem, proper modem configuration stored with AT&W
 speed 115200
 switchbd 115200
 init-chat "" ATZ OK
/etc/hosts:   dialup01

-defaultroute \
-detach \
modem \
crtscts \
login \
lock \
+pap \
:dialup01 \
-vj -ac -pc

username_from_/etc/passwd your_server_name ""

This will allow all of this users to use ppp with the same
password as if they log in to a shell.
Or delete the "login" options and enter a passwort in place of
the "".
You can try without -vj, but this makes trouble sometimes.
They must use pap to autenticate and they will get
as IP. You can allow acces to your proxy and masquerade/firewall
this IP.

This works very fine!


<hifi@gmx.de> (Gernot Zander)
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