sendfax problem

Gert Doering (
Sun, 22 Feb 1998 22:30:06 +0100


Erik Corry wrote:
> In article <> you wrote:
> > From the amount of questions about *exactly* this problem seen on the
> > mailing list lately, *ALL* Sportsters seem to be unable to send class 2.0
> > fax. The error message differs (sometimes it's +FHS:24, sometimes it's 
> > +FHS:25, sometimes it's a weird failure after transmitting the page), but
> > all in all, I haven't received ANY success report.
> But note that they don't seem to have any problems
> receiving faxes with mgetty. At least not the somewhat
> aging 28.8 model I have here.

Yes. But what's reception if you can't send?

(The interesting thing about this is: reception is *MUCH* harder to do
than sending... *sigh*).


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Gert Doering - Munich, Germany
fax: +49-89-35655025