sendfax problem

Mario Becroft (
Sun, 22 Feb 1998 22:30:42 +0100

On Sun, 22 Feb 1998, Gert Doering wrote:

> >From the amount of questions about *exactly* this problem seen on the
> mailing list lately, *ALL* Sportsters seem to be unable to send class 2.0
> fax. The error message differs (sometimes it's +FHS:24, sometimes it's 
> +FHS:25, sometimes it's a weird failure after transmitting the page), but
> all in all, I haven't received ANY success report.

If by this you mean the Sportsters cannot send faxes in class 2 *at all*
(as opposed to working sometimes), well I certainly don't have this
problem. I purchased a USR Sportster 33.6 voice/fax modem recently, and
although I haven't sent many faxes with it yet, it has always worked fine
so far. This doesn't mean it doesn't have an intermittent problem, though.
That is in class 2, I haven't tested class 1.

Mario Becroft    Auckland, New Zealand |\__/,| (`\
Tariland, Atari Support in New Zealand    _.|o o |_ ) ) --(((---(((--------
