Wardialing (was USR Sportster Voice 56 x2)

Marc Eberhard (marc@poseidon.thphy.uni-duesseldorf.de)
Fri, 20 Feb 1998 09:20:20 +0100


Gardner Cohen wrote:
> If I understand the concept properly, wardialing is not something you'd
> want to help. There was a recent article in the San Jose Mercury News
> (San Jose CA) describing easily found computer security lapses in the
> Silicon Valley. The person featured in the article had discovered these
> lapses by sequentially dialing phone numbers using a wardialer, looking
> for modem tones. He mentioned that he does the search at night, after
> midnight. The reporter failed to ask him if he cared that he was annoying
> innocent people with his calls.
> Perhaps you can suggest a vgetty configuration that delivers a lethal
> shock to the modem owner.

Unfortunately we dropped support for the --dont-electrify-keyboard option in
{m|v}getty. But to help this poor guy: The standard vgetty message.sh
program will not do the job, but the following should solve his problem
(Please keep in mind, that for this kind of operation you need to start the
script as root on your machine):

----------------------------- snip -----------------------------
# $1 - number to dial and to check for a modem

echo "Dialing $1 to check for a modem. This might take a while..."

# change to temporary directory...
cd /
# ... and cleanup some old temp files from previous calls, so that the
# new vm process does not get confused by some leftovers.
rm -rf *

if [ `vm dial --check-for-modem $1` ]; then
 echo "Hurray! Found a modem!"
 exit 0
 echo "Sorry, no modem, just an angry human being."
 exit 99
----------------------------- snap -----------------------------

The script will return exitcode 0, if there is a modem on the other side or
exitcode 99 otherwise. Works very well here on my machine so I don't expect
any serious problems.


Email: Marc.Eberhard@Poseidon.ThPhy.Uni-Duesseldorf.DE
WWW: http://Poseidon.ThPhy.Uni-Duesseldorf.DE/~marc/
PGP: http://Poseidon.ThPhy.Uni-Duesseldorf.DE/~marc/Marc_PGP.key