mgetty and autoppp

Gert Doering (
Thu, 19 Feb 1998 18:26:09 +0100


provide a mgetty and pppd log file. Otherwise nobody can help you.


Alessandro Manzini wrote:
> I`am trying to make a dialin linux server. I want that people
> with win95 could dialin in to my server only using a password
> and a username but without a login script.
> I am using linux redhat 4.2 mgetty and pppd. I have recompiled
> mgetty with the option autoppp. I have edited the configuration
> file according to the indication that i have read in the net.
> When i try to connect to the linux server from the win95 station
> the modem on the server answer immediately but when it try
> to verify username and password it fails and disconnect the line.
> I have tried to change many times the configuration file
> but the result is the same.
> Could anyone help me?
> Thank you

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Gert Doering - Munich, Germany
fax: +49-89-35655025