Wardialing (was USR Sportster Voice 56 x2)

"Gardner Cohen" (beldar@remulak.com)
Thu, 19 Feb 1998 17:26:34 +0100

>Try again. Explain in small steps, and in whole sentences what you are
>trying to do. Do you want to dial out with a "wardialer" (whatever that
>might be)? Do you want to answer calls from a "wardialer"?

If I understand the concept properly, wardialing is not something you'd want
to help. There was a recent article in the San Jose Mercury News (San Jose
CA) describing easily found computer security lapses in the Silicon Valley.
The person featured in the article had discovered these lapses by
sequentially dialing phone numbers using a wardialer, looking for modem
tones. He mentioned that he does the search at night, after midnight. The
reporter failed to ask him if he cared that he was annoying innocent people
with his calls.

I can't tell you how happy it makes me to know that idiots like this will be
ringing my phone at 2am in hopes of finding a modem. The one who emailed
this list wants to know if there's some way you could help them identify if
there's a (probably very angry) person on the other end of the phone when
they call, so they can move on. Or, even worse, they want to do a cheap
telesales operation, and only want to bother picking up the phone when
they're sure there's someone on the other end.

Perhaps you can suggest a vgetty configuration that delivers a lethal shock
to the modem owner.
