USR Sportster Voice 56 x2

Gert Doering (
Thu, 19 Feb 1998 09:22:14 +0100


cheryl wrote:
> what I mean is some wardial programs have voice detection. I mean all 
> the tones the modem can detect like voice,data,fax,no answer ete. I'm 
> trying to find out if my new usr sportster can detect voice. When you 
> ring out and a voices answers the phone. So when using a wardialer if 
> it's not a data tone or fax or no answer it comes up with voice if a 
> person answers it.

Try again. Explain in small steps, and in whole sentences what you are
trying to do. Do you want to dial out with a "wardialer" (whatever that
might be)? Do you want to answer calls from a "wardialer"?

Please be precise, and supply the complete picture. I feel tired of
reading minds.


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Gert Doering - Munich, Germany
fax: +49-89-35655025