Recommended modem

Gert Doering (
Thu, 19 Feb 1998 09:10:22 +0100


Devin Redlich wrote:
> Is there a top choice for a fax modem to work with mgetty+sendfax-1.0.0?
> It would only be used to send / receive faxes, so stuff like 56K
> compatibility isn't important. Preferably, 14.4 on the fax side would be
> nice.


People, please start reading the list archives.

This question is nowadays discussed about once a week.

Anyway, what I have now is:
MODEM Recommendations for use with mgetty/vgetty

What modem to recommend depends on your needs. There are very few modems
that handle fax + data + voice perfectly, but quite a number that are
well suited for two of the categories, and less good (or sometimes not
at all) for the third.

For Fax+Data: 
 * USR Courier V.34/X.2 (no voice)

For FAX+Voice: 
 * ZyXEL 1496 (data only up to 19200, but best fax implementation)

For Data+Voice:
 * USR Sportster VI series (fax implementation is VERY bad)
For FAX+DATA+Voice
 * ZyXEL 2864
 * MultiTech MT2864ZDXv
 * ELSA MicroLink TQV series (fax is not perfect, but works ok)

Last updated: February 1998


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Gert Doering - Munich, Germany
fax: +49-89-35655025