Vgetty sound level problem - Rockwell/Cardinal

Marc Eberhard (
Thu, 19 Feb 1998 07:37:01 +0100



John R. Haggis wrote:
> I have a Cardinal MVP288XV2 Rockwell-chipset voice modem (external)
> on a FreeBSD system. I just installed Vgetty and it's very
> exciting. It's basically working; I can call in, it answers, plays
> the greeting, and records messages, and hangs up. No problem.


> However, the sound volume is very low. I've used a couple of
> The greeting plays so low, I can barely hear it when I call in to
> leave a message. The "beep" is very loud! I wish the greeting
> were as loud as the beep. I have the same problem when playing
> back the messages with "vm" through the local handset; it's just
> too low volume. And there is an additional "muffling" sound that
> drifts in and out, as if I were moving a handkerchief back and
> forth over the mouthpiece.
> Note: it seems to play loudly through the Modem speaker.


> Also note: If I convert to WAV format, and send to my PC:
> rmdtopvf v017151.rmd | pvftowav > test.wav
> When I play back the WAV file, the sound is objectively very low-volume on the 
> PC. (I have a little level meter on my playback app and it registers only 
> about 5-10% of full-scale.)

Ok, so the recording volume is set to a low value.

> ALSO NOTE: This same modem was just working fine on WinfaxPro 8.0
> Talkworks! It was very loud through the telephone. So I know
> there's some way to get the volume in it.

But what is the correct modem command to this, is the question...

> I also edited the voice.conf and set the receive_gain and transmit_gain to 
> 100, but this didn't do ANYTHING.

> Anyone got any ideas? Sorry this post was so long.

Yes. The Rockwell driver currently doesn't support setting the
receive and transmit gain, because I don't know the commands to do
this for Rockwell modems. If you can figure out the necessary
commands, I can add them to the driver. This of course explains, why
you don't see a difference with different values.

Email: Marc.Eberhard@Poseidon.ThPhy.Uni-Duesseldorf.DE
WWW: http://Poseidon.ThPhy.Uni-Duesseldorf.DE/~marc/
PGP: http://Poseidon.ThPhy.Uni-Duesseldorf.DE/~marc/Marc_PGP.key

Version: 2.6.3ia
Charset: noconv
