Monitoring modem statistics?

Jonathan Benson (
Thu, 19 Feb 1998 03:54:13 +0100

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I see in the mgetty.config file that there is something called

Unfortuantely I have not been able to find ANY documentation on this
feature anywhere?

What I am trying to do is to get the output from an 'ati6/ati11'
command/s on my modem either when a link is first established or ideally
during the active life of the PPP link. If ANYONE knows how I might go
about this PLEASE let me know.

I have tried using 'minicom -o' but it complains that the line is
locked. If I remove the lock temporarily it opens, but it doesn't get a
response from the modem when I send an escape sequence, ie. "+++". :(

I NEED to do this as either one of my modems (I think it's the one
dialing in to the server) drops out once data is actually getting sent
down the line, or mgetty is stuffing up and resetting the line when it's
not supposed to. If you want details of what's happening I've made a
previous post with the details, but got no response so thought I'd try
to take further steps to solve the problem for myself.

I have to be able to diagnose the problem further before I can determine
a possible solution as I've tried all the 'random' fixes I can think
of. ANY and all help MOST APPRECIATED.


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