cant open /dev/ttya2

Guy Cohen (
Thu, 19 Feb 1998 02:11:17 +0100

hello , 
just compiled the source ,
 after reading mgetty.texi i setup inittab as :
F1a:23:respawn:/usr/local/sbin/mgetty -x 9 ttya2

and was igure to reboot, but sadly i got this lines :
02/19 02:14:12 ya2 mod: cannot open line /dev/ttya2: Input/output error

02/19 02:14:12 ya2 open device /dev/ttya2 failed: Protocol wrong type
for socket

02/19 02:14:12 ya2 cannot get terminal line dev=ttya2, exiting:
Protocol wrong type for socket

a lot of them.

basicly i was aiming for a callback , but now that i know this 
program can do much more , im going for the fax and voice ( answering
machin )

first i'd like to solve this problem , then i'd like to know 
if theres any special thing i should know about the configuration.

thanks pleny.


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