missing rows in faxes

Gert Doering (gert@greenie.muc.de)
Wed, 18 Feb 1998 22:47:13 +0100


Farzin Atefi wrote:
> I used to get faxes with missing rows every now and then,
> but since having switched to a new linux distribution
> (RedHat 4.2) an kernel (2.0.32) this is happening all the
> time. The faxes are unreadable because entire text lines are
> missing.
> I've both the logs (level 6) from the receiving and the
> sending sides. I hope the logs are not too noisy.

Which side did you change? Sending or receiving? Does it happen only in
*this* combination, or for every fax that you *send* or for every fax that
you *receive*?

Please describe the problem a bit more detailed -- so far, we only know
that you have *one* setup that gives problems, and you have changed
"something" there (one side? both sides?).

The basic problem (missing rows) sounds like a bad flow control problem on
the sending side, but I'm not going to do the guesswork to narrow it down
for you -- you're on the list long enough to know how to pinpoint a
problem (then I'll happily help you fixing it).

> 02/18 21:06:02 C12 read 64, write 64

BTW: this looks like a Cyclades card. Are you sure you have the very
latest drivers? There have been bad bugs in early driver versions.


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Gert Doering - Munich, Germany      gert@greenie.muc.de
fax: +49-89-35655025    gert.doering@physik.tu-muenchen.de