missing rows in faxes

Farzin Atefi (farzin@blitz.net)
Wed, 18 Feb 1998 21:42:14 +0100

I used to get faxes with missing rows every now and then,
but since having switched to a new linux distribution
(RedHat 4.2) an kernel (2.0.32) this is happening all the
time. The faxes are unreadable because entire text lines are
I've both the logs (level 6) from the receiving and the
sending sides. I hope the logs are not too noisy.

Thanks for any help,

02/18 21:03:09 yS0 vgetty: experimental test release 0.7.2 / 12Apr97
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 mgetty: experimental test release 1.1.5-Apr16
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 reading generic configuration from config file /etc/mgetty+sendfax/voice.conf
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 reading /etc/mgetty+sendfax/voice.conf...
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 conf lib: read: 'part generic'
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 section: part generic, **found**
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 conf lib: read: 'voice_log_level 4'
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 conf lib: read: 'voice_dir /var/spool/voice'
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 conf lib: read: 'message_flag_file .flag'
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 conf lib: read: 'receive_dir incoming'
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 conf lib: read: 'message_dir messages'
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 conf lib: read: 'message_list Index'
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 conf lib: read: 'backup_message standard.rmd'
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 conf lib: read: 'port_speed 38400'
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 conf lib: read: 'voice_shell /bin/sh'
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 conf lib: read: 'port_timeout 5'
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 conf lib: read: 'dial_timeout 90'
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 conf lib: read: 'command_delay 50'
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 conf lib: read: 'dtmf_len 30'
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 conf lib: read: 'dtmf_threshold 40'
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 conf lib: read: 'dtmf_wait 7'
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 conf lib: read: 'ignore_fax_dle false'
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 conf lib: read: 'raw_data false'
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 conf lib: read: 'rec_compression 0'
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 conf lib: read: 'rec_speed 0'
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 conf lib: read: 'rec_silence_len 70'
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 conf lib: read: 'rec_silence_threshold 40'
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 conf lib: read: 'rec_remove_silence false'
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 conf lib: read: 'rec_max_len 300'
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 conf lib: read: 'rec_min_len 0'
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 conf lib: read: 'do_hard_flow true'
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 conf lib: read: 'beep_frequency 933'
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 conf lib: read: 'beep_length 150'
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 conf lib: read: 'max_tries 3'
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 conf lib: read: 'retry_delay 5'
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 conf lib: read: 'watchdog_timeout 60'
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 conf lib: read: 'enable_command_echo true'
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 conf lib: read: 'program vgetty'
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 found CT_KEYWORD program vgetty
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 conf lib: read: 'rings 4'
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 conf lib: read: 'answer_mode voice:fax:data'
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 conf lib: read: 'force_autodetect false'
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 conf lib: read: 'toll_saver_rings 2'
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 conf lib: read: 'rec_always_keep false'
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 conf lib: read: 'button_program '
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 conf lib: read: 'call_program '
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 conf lib: read: 'dtmf_program dtmf.sh'
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 conf lib: read: 'message_program new_message.sh'
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 conf lib: read: 'do_message_light false'
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 conf lib: read: 'program vm'
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 conf lib: read: 'voice_devices ttyS0'
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 conf lib: read: 'dialout_timeout 90'
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 conf lib: read: 'program pvf'
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 conf lib: read: 'ring_type virtual'
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 conf lib: read: 'answer_mode fax:data'
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 conf lib: read: 'ring_type ring'
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 conf lib: read: 'ring_type ring1'
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 key: 'part', type=6, flags=4, data=(ignored)
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 key: 'program', type=6, flags=4, data=(ignored)
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 key: 'port', type=6, flags=4, data=(ignored)
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 key: 'ring_type', type=6, flags=4, data=(ignored)
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 key: 'voice_log_level', type=0, flags=3, data=4
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 key: 'voice_devices', type=1, flags=0, data=(empty)
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 key: 'port_speed', type=0, flags=3, data=38400
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 key: 'port_timeout', type=0, flags=3, data=5
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 key: 'dtmf_len', type=0, flags=3, data=30
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 key: 'dtmf_threshold', type=0, flags=3, data=40
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 key: 'dtmf_wait', type=0, flags=3, data=7
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 key: 'rec_compression', type=0, flags=3, data=0
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 key: 'rec_speed', type=0, flags=3, data=0
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 key: 'rec_silence_len', type=0, flags=3, data=70
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 key: 'rec_silence_threshold', type=0, flags=3, data=40
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 key: 'rec_remove_silence', type=3, flags=3, data=FALSE
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 key: 'rec_max_len', type=0, flags=3, data=300
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 key: 'receive_gain', type=0, flags=1, data=-1
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 key: 'transmit_gain', type=0, flags=1, data=-1
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 key: 'rings', type=1, flags=1, data=3
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 key: 'answer_mode', type=1, flags=1, data=voice:fax:data
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 key: 'toll_saver_rings', type=0, flags=1, data=0
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 key: 'rec_always_keep', type=3, flags=1, data=TRUE
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 key: 'voice_dir', type=1, flags=3, data=/var/spool/voice
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 key: 'message_flag_file', type=1, flags=3, data=.flag
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 key: 'receive_dir', type=1, flags=3, data=incoming
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 key: 'message_dir', type=1, flags=3, data=messages
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 key: 'message_list', type=1, flags=3, data=Index
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 key: 'backup_message', type=1, flags=3, data=standard.rmd
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 key: 'dialout_timeout', type=0, flags=1, data=90
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 key: 'beep_frequency', type=0, flags=3, data=933
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 key: 'beep_length', type=0, flags=3, data=150
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 key: 'raw_data', type=3, flags=3, data=FALSE
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 key: 'max_tries', type=0, flags=3, data=3
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 key: 'retry_delay', type=0, flags=3, data=5
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 key: 'voice_shell', type=1, flags=3, data=/bin/sh
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 key: 'button_program', type=1, flags=1, data=
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 key: 'call_program', type=1, flags=1, data=
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 key: 'dtmf_program', type=1, flags=1, data=dtmf.sh
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 key: 'message_program', type=1, flags=1, data=
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 key: 'do_message_light', type=3, flags=1, data=FALSE
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 key: 'do_hard_flow', type=3, flags=3, data=TRUE
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 key: 'force_autodetect', type=3, flags=1, data=FALSE
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 key: 'watchdog_timeout', type=0, flags=3, data=60
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 key: 'rec_min_len', type=0, flags=3, data=0
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 key: 'command_delay', type=0, flags=3, data=50
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 key: 'ignore_fax_dle', type=3, flags=3, data=FALSE
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 key: 'dial_timeout', type=0, flags=3, data=90
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 key: 'enable_command_echo', type=3, flags=3, data=TRUE
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 reading program vgetty configuration from config file /etc/mgetty+sendfax/voice.conf
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 reading port ttyS0 configuration from config file /etc/mgetty+sendfax/voice.conf
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 check for lockfiles
02/18 21:03:09 yS0 locking the line
02/18 21:03:10 yS0 lowering DTR to reset Modem
02/18 21:03:10 yS0 send: \d\d\d+++\d\d\d[0d]
02/18 21:03:13 yS0 send: \dATZ0E1H0[0d]
02/18 21:03:14 yS0 waiting for ``OK'' ** found **
02/18 21:03:14 yS0 mdm_send: 'ATI'
02/18 21:03:14 yS0 ZyXEL 1496 detected -> OK
02/18 21:03:14 yS0 mdm_send: 'AT+FCLASS=2.0' -> OK
02/18 21:03:15 yS0 mdm_send: 'AT+FAA=1;+FCR=1' -> OK
02/18 21:03:15 yS0 mdm_send: 'AT+FBO=1' -> OK
02/18 21:03:15 yS0 mdm_send: 'AT+FNR=1,1,1,0' -> OK
02/18 21:03:15 yS0 mdm_send: 'AT+FLI="49 951 52305"' -> OK
02/18 21:03:15 yS0 mdm_send: 'AT+FCC=1,5,0,2,0,0,0,0' -> OK
02/18 21:03:15 yS0 detecting voice modem type
02/18 21:03:15 yS0 ZyXEL 1496 detected
02/18 21:03:16 yS0 ROM release 6.12 detected
02/18 21:03:16 yS0 initializing ZyXEL 1496 voice modem
02/18 21:03:16 yS0 waiting...
02/18 21:05:14 yS0 waiting for ``RING_'' ** found **
02/18 21:05:14 yS0 waiting for ``RING_'' ** found **
02/18 21:05:20 yS0 waiting for ``RING_'' ** found **
02/18 21:05:26 yS0 waiting for ``RING_'' ** found **
02/18 21:05:32 yS0 reading ring_type ring configuration from config file /etc/mgetty+sendfax/voice.conf
02/18 21:05:32 yS0 playing voice file /var/spool/voice/messages/nachricht
02/18 21:05:39 yS0 recording voice file /var/spool/voice/incoming/va20822.rmd
02/18 21:05:47 yS0 mdm_send: 'AT+FBO=1' -> OK
02/18 21:05:47 yS0 send: ATA[0d]
02/18 21:05:47 yS0 waiting for ``CONNECT''
02/18 21:06:00 yS0 found action string: ``+FCO_''
02/18 21:06:00 yS0 start fax receiver...
02/18 21:06:00 yS0 fax_wait_for(OK)
02/18 21:06:04 yS0 fax_id: '+FTI:49 951 9685164  '
02/18 21:06:04 yS0 transmission par.: '+FCS:1,5,0,2,0,0,0,0'** found **
02/18 21:06:04 yS0 mdm_send: 'AT+FLO=2' -> OK
02/18 21:06:04 yS0 fax_send: 'AT+FDR'
02/18 21:06:04 yS0 fax_wait_for(CONNECT)
02/18 21:06:06 yS0 transmission par.: '+FCS:1,5,0,2,0,0,0,0'** found **
02/18 21:06:06 yS0 fax_get_page_data: receiving /var/spool/fax/incoming/ff4eb3f0cS0-49-951-9685164.01...
02/18 21:06:28 yS0 fax_get_page_data: page end, bytes received: 26990
02/18 21:06:28 yS0 fax_wait_for(OK)
02/18 21:06:28 yS0 page status: +FPS:1,628,4,1,0** found **
02/18 21:06:31 yS0 fax_send: 'AT+FDR'
02/18 21:06:31 yS0 fax_wait_for(CONNECT)
02/18 21:06:33 yS0 connection hangup: '+FHS:00'** found **
02/18 21:06:34 ##### fax dev=ttyS0, pid=20822, caller=none, name='', id='49 951 9685164  ', +FHNG=000, pages=1, time=00:01:01_

02/18 21:06:35 yS0 mdm_send: 'ATH0' -> OK

02/18 21:05:01 sendfax: experimental test release 1.1.5-Apr16
02/18 21:05:01 sendfax.c compiled at Apr 22 1997, 14:27:00
02/18 21:05:01 sending fax to 52305
02/18 21:05:01 checking f1.g3
02/18 21:05:01 makelock(ttyC12) called
02/18 21:05:01 do_makelock: lock='/var/lock/LCK..ttyC12'
02/18 21:05:01 lock made
02/18 21:05:01 tss: set speed to 38400 (017)
02/18 21:05:01 tio_set_flow_control( HARD )
02/18 21:05:01 C12 fax_open_device succeeded, ttyC12 -> 4
02/18 21:05:01 C12 reading specific data for port 'ttyC12'
02/18 21:05:01 C12 reading /etc/mgetty+sendfax/sendfax.config...
02/18 21:05:01 C12 conf lib: read: 'verbose n'
02/18 21:05:01 C12 conf lib: read: 'debug 6'
02/18 21:05:01 C12 conf lib: read: 'fax-devices ttyC12'
02/18 21:05:01 C12 conf lib: read: 'fax-id 49 951 9685164'
02/18 21:05:01 C12 conf lib: read: 'dial-prefix ATDT0W'
02/18 21:05:01 C12 conf lib: read: 'max-tries 3'
02/18 21:05:01 C12 conf lib: read: 'max-tries-continue n'
02/18 21:05:01 C12 conf lib: read: 'port ttyC12'
02/18 21:05:01 C12 section: port ttyC12, **found**
02/18 21:05:01 C12 conf lib: read: 'modem-handshake ATX3'
02/18 21:05:01 C12 key: 'fax-devices', type=1, flags=4, data=(ignored)
02/18 21:05:01 C12 key: 'modem-init', type=1, flags=0, data=(empty)
02/18 21:05:01 C12 key: 'modem-handshake', type=1, flags=3, data=ATX3
02/18 21:05:01 C12 key: 'modem-type', type=1, flags=1, data=auto
02/18 21:05:01 C12 key: 'max-tries', type=0, flags=3, data=3
02/18 21:05:01 C12 key: 'max-tries-continue', type=3, flags=3, data=FALSE
02/18 21:05:01 C12 key: 'speed', type=0, flags=1, data=38400
02/18 21:05:01 C12 key: 'switchbd', type=0, flags=1, data=0
02/18 21:05:01 C12 key: 'ignore-carrier', type=3, flags=1, data=FALSE
02/18 21:05:01 C12 key: 'dial-prefix', type=1, flags=3, data=ATDT0W
02/18 21:05:01 C12 key: 'fax-id', type=1, flags=3, data=49 951 9685164
02/18 21:05:01 C12 key: 'poll-dir', type=1, flags=1, data=.
02/18 21:05:01 C12 key: 'normal-res', type=3, flags=1, data=FALSE
02/18 21:05:01 C12 key: 'debug', type=0, flags=3, data=6
02/18 21:05:01 C12 key: 'verbose', type=3, flags=2, data=TRUE
02/18 21:05:01 C12 key: '', type=3, flags=1, data=FALSE
02/18 21:05:01 C12 key: 'page-header', type=1, flags=0, data=(empty)
02/18 21:05:01 C12 key: '', type=3, flags=1, data=FALSE
02/18 21:05:01 C12 key: '', type=3, flags=1, data=FALSE
02/18 21:05:01 C12 key: '', type=1, flags=1, data=
02/18 21:05:01 C12 tss: set speed to 38400 (017)
02/18 21:05:01 C12 fax_send: 'ATV1Q0'
02/18 21:05:01 C12 fax_wait_for(OK)
02/18 21:05:01 C12 got:ATV1Q0[0d]
02/18 21:05:01 C12 fax_wait_for: string 'ATV1Q0'
02/18 21:05:01 C12 got:[0d][0a]OK[0d]
02/18 21:05:01 C12 fax_wait_for: string 'OK'** found **
02/18 21:05:01 C12 mdm_send: 'ATI'
02/18 21:05:01 C12 got:[0a]ATI[0d]
02/18 21:05:01 C12 mdm_identify: string 'ATI'
02/18 21:05:01 C12 got:[0d][0a]1496[0d]
02/18 21:05:01 C12 mdm_identify: string '1496'
02/18 21:05:01 C12 ZyXEL 1496 detected
02/18 21:05:01 C12 got:[0a][0d][0a]OK[0d]
02/18 21:05:01 C12 mdm_identify: string 'OK' -> OK
02/18 21:05:01 C12 mdm_send: 'AT+FCLASS=2.0'
02/18 21:05:01 C12 got:[0a]AT+FCLASS=2.0[0d]
02/18 21:05:01 C12 mdm_command: string 'AT+FCLASS=2.0'
02/18 21:05:01 C12 got:[0d][0a]ERROR[0d]
02/18 21:05:01 C12 mdm_command: string 'ERROR' -> ERROR
02/18 21:05:01 C12 mdm_send: 'AT+FCLASS=2.0'
02/18 21:05:01 C12 got:[0a]AT+FCLASS=2.0[0d]
02/18 21:05:01 C12 mdm_command: string 'AT+FCLASS=2.0'
02/18 21:05:01 C12 got:[0d][0a]ERROR[0d]
02/18 21:05:01 C12 mdm_command: string 'ERROR' -> ERROR
02/18 21:05:01 C12 mdm_send: 'AT+FCLASS=2'
02/18 21:05:01 C12 got:[0a]AT+FCLASS=2[0d]
02/18 21:05:01 C12 mdm_command: string 'AT+FCLASS=2'
02/18 21:05:01 C12 got:[0d][0a]OK[0d]
02/18 21:05:01 C12 mdm_command: string 'OK' -> OK
02/18 21:05:01 C12 mdm_send: 'AT+FLID="49 951 9685164"'
02/18 21:05:01 C12 got:[0a]AT+FLID="49 951 9685164"[0d]
02/18 21:05:01 C12 mdm_command: string 'AT+FLID="49 951 9685164"'
02/18 21:05:01 C12 got:[0d][0a]OK[0d]
02/18 21:05:01 C12 mdm_command: string 'OK' -> OK
02/18 21:05:01 C12 mdm_send: 'AT+FDCC=1,5,0,2,0,0,0,0'
02/18 21:05:01 C12 got:[0a]AT+FDCC=1,5,0,2,0,0,0,0[0d]
02/18 21:05:01 C12 mdm_command: string 'AT+FDCC=1,5,0,2,0,0,0,0'
02/18 21:05:01 C12 got:[0d][0a]OK[0d]
02/18 21:05:01 C12 mdm_command: string 'OK' -> OK
02/18 21:05:01 C12 mdm_send: 'AT+FBOR=0'
02/18 21:05:01 C12 got:[0a]AT+FBOR=0[0d]
02/18 21:05:01 C12 mdm_command: string 'AT+FBOR=0'
02/18 21:05:01 C12 got:[0d][0a]OK[0d]
02/18 21:05:01 C12 mdm_command: string 'OK' -> OK
02/18 21:05:01 C12 mdm_send: 'ATX3'
02/18 21:05:01 C12 got:[0a]ATX3[0d]
02/18 21:05:01 C12 mdm_command: string 'ATX3'
02/18 21:05:01 C12 got:[0d][0a]OK[0d]
02/18 21:05:01 C12 mdm_command: string 'OK' -> OK
02/18 21:05:01 C12 fax_send: 'ATDT0W52305'
02/18 21:05:01 C12 fax_wait_for(OK)
02/18 21:05:01 C12 got:[0a]ATDT0W52305[0d]
02/18 21:05:01 C12 fax_wait_for: string 'ATDT0W52305'
02/18 21:05:01 C12 got:[0d][0a]+FCON[0d]
02/18 21:05:53 C12 fax_wait_for: string '+FCON'
02/18 21:05:53 C12 got:[0a][0d][0a]+FNSF:00 00 00 00 [0d]
02/18 21:05:53 C12 fax_wait_for: string '+FNSF:00 00 00 00 '
02/18 21:05:53 C12 got:[0a][0a]+FCSI:49 951 52305  [0d]
02/18 21:05:53 C12 fax_wait_for: string '+FCSI:49 951 52305  '
02/18 21:05:53 C12 fax_id: '+FCSI:49 951 52305  '
02/18 21:05:53 C12 got:[0a][0a][0d][0a][0a]+FDIS:1,5,0,2,0,0,0,0[0d]
02/18 21:05:53 C12 fax_wait_for: string '+FDIS:1,5,0,2,0,0,0,0'
02/18 21:05:53 C12 got:[0a][0d][0a]OK[0d]
02/18 21:05:53 C12 fax_wait_for: string 'OK'** found **
02/18 21:05:53 C12 sendfax: honouring DCD (carrier) drops now
02/18 21:05:53 C12 fax_send_page("f1.g3") started...
02/18 21:05:53 C12 tio_set_flow_control( HARD )
02/18 21:05:53 C12 fax_send: 'AT+FDT'
02/18 21:05:53 C12 fax_wait_for(CONNECT)
02/18 21:05:53 C12 got:[0a]AT+FDT[0d]
02/18 21:05:53 C12 fax_wait_for: string 'AT+FDT'
02/18 21:05:53 C12 got:[0d][0a]+FDCS:1,5,0,2,0,0,0,0[0d]
02/18 21:06:01 C12 fax_wait_for: string '+FDCS:1,5,0,2,0,0,0,0'
02/18 21:06:01 C12 transmission par.: '+FDCS:1,5,0,2,0,0,0,0'
02/18 21:06:01 C12 got:[0a][0d][0a]CONNECT[0d]
02/18 21:06:01 C12 fax_wait_for: string 'CONNECT'** found **
02/18 21:06:01 C12 waiting for XON, got:[0a][11]
02/18 21:06:01 C12 tio_set_flow_control( HARD XON_OUT )
02/18 21:06:01 C12 sending f1.g3...
02/18 21:06:01 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:01 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:01 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:01 C12 read 64, write 65
02/18 21:06:01 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:01 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:01 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:01 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:01 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:01 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:01 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:01 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:01 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:01 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:01 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:01 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:01 C12 read 64, write 65
02/18 21:06:01 C12 read 64, write 66
02/18 21:06:01 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:01 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:01 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:01 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:01 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:01 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:01 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:01 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:01 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:01 C12 read 64, write 66
02/18 21:06:01 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:01 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:01 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:01 C12 read 64, write 65
02/18 21:06:01 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:01 C12 read 64, write 65
02/18 21:06:01 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:01 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:01 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:01 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:01 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:01 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:01 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:01 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:01 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:01 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:01 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:01 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:01 C12 read 64, write 66
02/18 21:06:01 C12 read 64, write 65
02/18 21:06:01 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:01 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:01 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:01 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:01 C12 read 64, write 65
02/18 21:06:01 C12 read 64, write 65
02/18 21:06:01 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:01 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:01 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:01 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:01 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:01 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:01 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:01 C12 read 64, write 66
02/18 21:06:01 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:01 C12 read 64, write 65
02/18 21:06:01 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:02 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:02 C12 read 64, write 66
02/18 21:06:02 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:02 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:02 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:02 C12 read 64, write 65
02/18 21:06:02 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:02 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:02 C12 read 64, write 65
02/18 21:06:02 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:02 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:02 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:02 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:02 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:02 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:02 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:02 C12 read 64, write 65
02/18 21:06:02 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:02 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:02 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:02 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:02 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:02 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:02 C12 read 64, write 66
02/18 21:06:02 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:02 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:02 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:02 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:02 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:02 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:02 C12 read 64, write 67
02/18 21:06:02 C12 read 64, write 65
02/18 21:06:02 C12 read 64, write 66
02/18 21:06:02 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:02 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:02 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:02 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:02 C12 read 64, write 65
02/18 21:06:02 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:02 C12 read 64, write 65
02/18 21:06:02 C12 read 64, write 65
02/18 21:06:02 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:02 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:02 C12 read 64, write 65
02/18 21:06:02 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:02 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:02 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:02 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:02 C12 read 64, write 65
02/18 21:06:02 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:02 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:02 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:02 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:02 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:02 C12 read 64, write 65
02/18 21:06:02 C12 read 64, write 65
02/18 21:06:02 C12 read 64, write 65
02/18 21:06:02 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:02 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:02 C12 read 64, write 65
02/18 21:06:02 C12 read 64, write 65
02/18 21:06:03 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:03 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:03 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:03 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:03 C12 read 64, write 65
02/18 21:06:03 C12 read 64, write 65
02/18 21:06:03 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:03 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:03 C12 read 64, write 65
02/18 21:06:03 C12 read 64, write 66
02/18 21:06:04 C12 read 64, write 65
02/18 21:06:04 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:04 C12 read 64, write 65
02/18 21:06:04 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:04 C12 read 64, write 65
02/18 21:06:04 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:04 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:04 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:04 C12 read 64, write 65
02/18 21:06:04 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:04 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:04 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:04 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:04 C12 read 64, write 66
02/18 21:06:04 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:04 C12 read 64, write 66
02/18 21:06:04 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:04 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:04 C12 read 64, write 65
02/18 21:06:04 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:04 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:04 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:04 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:04 C12 read 64, write 64
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02/18 21:06:04 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:04 C12 read 64, write 65
02/18 21:06:04 C12 read 64, write 65
02/18 21:06:04 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:04 C12 read 64, write 65
02/18 21:06:04 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:04 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:04 C12 read 64, write 66
02/18 21:06:04 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:04 C12 read 64, write 65
02/18 21:06:04 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:04 C12 read 64, write 65
02/18 21:06:06 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:06 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:06 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:06 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:06 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:06 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:06 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:06 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:06 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:06 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:06 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:06 C12 read 64, write 65
02/18 21:06:06 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:06 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:06 C12 read 64, write 65
02/18 21:06:06 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:06 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:06 C12 read 64, write 64
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02/18 21:06:06 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:06 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:06 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:06 C12 read 64, write 66
02/18 21:06:06 C12 read 64, write 65
02/18 21:06:06 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:06 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:06 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:06 C12 read 64, write 65
02/18 21:06:06 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:06 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:06 C12 read 64, write 65
02/18 21:06:06 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:06 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:06 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:06 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:06 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:06 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:06 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:07 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:07 C12 read 64, write 65
02/18 21:06:07 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:07 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:07 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:07 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:07 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:07 C12 read 64, write 65
02/18 21:06:07 C12 read 64, write 65
02/18 21:06:07 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:07 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:07 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:07 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:07 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:07 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:07 C12 read 64, write 66
02/18 21:06:07 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:07 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:07 C12 read 64, write 65
02/18 21:06:07 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:07 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:07 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:07 C12 read 64, write 65
02/18 21:06:07 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:07 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:07 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:07 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:07 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:07 C12 read 64, write 65
02/18 21:06:07 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:07 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:07 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:07 C12 read 64, write 65
02/18 21:06:07 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:07 C12 read 64, write 65
02/18 21:06:07 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:09 C12 read 64, write 66
02/18 21:06:09 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:09 C12 read 64, write 65
02/18 21:06:09 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:09 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:09 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:09 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:09 C12 read 64, write 64
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02/18 21:06:09 C12 read 64, write 64
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02/18 21:06:09 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:09 C12 read 64, write 65
02/18 21:06:09 C12 read 64, write 65
02/18 21:06:09 C12 read 64, write 65
02/18 21:06:09 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:09 C12 read 64, write 65
02/18 21:06:09 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:09 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:09 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:09 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:09 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:09 C12 read 64, write 65
02/18 21:06:09 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:09 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:09 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:09 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:09 C12 read 64, write 65
02/18 21:06:09 C12 read 64, write 65
02/18 21:06:09 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:09 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:09 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:09 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:09 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:09 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:09 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:10 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:10 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:10 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:10 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:10 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:10 C12 read 64, write 65
02/18 21:06:10 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:10 C12 read 64, write 65
02/18 21:06:10 C12 read 64, write 65
02/18 21:06:10 C12 read 64, write 65
02/18 21:06:10 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:10 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:10 C12 read 64, write 65
02/18 21:06:10 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:10 C12 read 64, write 65
02/18 21:06:10 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:10 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:10 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:10 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:10 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:10 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:10 C12 read 64, write 65
02/18 21:06:10 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:10 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:10 C12 read 64, write 66
02/18 21:06:10 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:10 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:10 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:10 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:10 C12 read 64, write 65
02/18 21:06:10 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:10 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:10 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:10 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:10 C12 read 64, write 65
02/18 21:06:10 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:10 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:11 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:11 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:11 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:11 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:11 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:11 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:11 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:11 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:11 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:11 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:11 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:11 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:11 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:11 C12 read 64, write 65
02/18 21:06:11 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:11 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:11 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:11 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:11 C12 read 64, write 65
02/18 21:06:11 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:11 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:11 C12 read 64, write 65
02/18 21:06:11 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:11 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:11 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:11 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:11 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:11 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:11 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:11 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:11 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:11 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:11 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:11 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:11 C12 read 64, write 65
02/18 21:06:11 C12 read 64, write 66
02/18 21:06:13 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:13 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:13 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:13 C12 read 64, write 65
02/18 21:06:13 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:13 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:13 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:13 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:13 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:13 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:13 C12 read 64, write 65
02/18 21:06:13 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:13 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:13 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:13 C12 read 64, write 65
02/18 21:06:13 C12 read 64, write 65
02/18 21:06:13 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:13 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:13 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:13 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:13 C12 read 64, write 65
02/18 21:06:13 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:13 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:13 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:13 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:13 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:13 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:13 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:13 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:13 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:13 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:13 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:13 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:13 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:13 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:13 C12 read 64, write 65
02/18 21:06:13 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:14 C12 read 64, write 65
02/18 21:06:14 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:14 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:14 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:14 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:14 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:14 C12 read 64, write 65
02/18 21:06:14 C12 read 64, write 65
02/18 21:06:14 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:14 C12 read 64, write 65
02/18 21:06:14 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:14 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:14 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:14 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:14 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:14 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:14 C12 read 64, write 66
02/18 21:06:14 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:14 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:14 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:14 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:14 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:14 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:14 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:14 C12 read 64, write 65
02/18 21:06:14 C12 read 64, write 66
02/18 21:06:14 C12 read 64, write 66
02/18 21:06:14 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:14 C12 read 64, write 65
02/18 21:06:14 C12 read 64, write 65
02/18 21:06:14 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:14 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:14 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:14 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:14 C12 read 64, write 65
02/18 21:06:14 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:16 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:16 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:16 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:16 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:16 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:16 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:16 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:16 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:16 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:16 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:16 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:16 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:16 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:16 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:16 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:16 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:16 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:16 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:16 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:16 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:16 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:16 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:16 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:16 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:16 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:16 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:16 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:16 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:16 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:16 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:16 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:16 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:16 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:16 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:16 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:16 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:16 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:17 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:17 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:17 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:17 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:17 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:17 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:17 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:17 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:17 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:17 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:17 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:17 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:17 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:17 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:17 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:17 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:17 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:17 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:17 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:17 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:17 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:17 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:17 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:17 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:17 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:17 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:17 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:17 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:17 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:17 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:17 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:17 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:17 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:17 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:17 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:18 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:18 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:18 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:18 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:18 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:18 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:18 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:18 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:18 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:18 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:18 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:18 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:18 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:18 C12 read 64, write 64
02/18 21:06:18 C12 read 19, write 22
02/18 21:06:18 C12 page complete, 33106 bytes sent
02/18 21:06:18 C12 sending DLE ETX...
02/18 21:06:18 C12 fax_wait_for(OK)
02/18 21:06:18 C12 got:[0d][0a]OK[0d]
02/18 21:06:23 C12 fax_wait_for: string 'OK'** found **
02/18 21:06:23 C12 fax_send: 'AT+FET=2'
02/18 21:06:23 C12 fax_wait_for(OK)
02/18 21:06:23 C12 got:[0a]AT+FET=2[0d]
02/18 21:06:23 C12 fax_wait_for: string 'AT+FET=2'
02/18 21:06:23 C12 got:[0d][0a]+FPTS:1[0d]
02/18 21:06:26 C12 fax_wait_for: string '+FPTS:1'
02/18 21:06:26 C12 page status: +FPTS:1
02/18 21:06:26 C12 got:[0a][0d][0a]+FHNG:00[00][0d]
02/18 21:06:27 C12 fax_wait_for: string '+FHNG:00'
02/18 21:06:27 C12 connection hangup: '+FHNG:00'
02/18 21:06:27 C12 (Normal and proper end of connection)
02/18 21:06:27 C12 got:[0a][0d][0a]OK[0d]
02/18 21:06:27 C12 fax_wait_for: string 'OK'** found **
02/18 21:06:27 C12 fax_send: 'AT+FCLASS=0'
02/18 21:06:28 C12 removing lock file
02/18 21:06:28 ##### success, phone="52305", dev=ttyC12, time=87s, pages=1(+0), bytes=33106, acct=""

Farzin Atefi
Riegelhofgasse 6, 96049 Bamberg, GERMANY
Voice/Fax: +49 951 52305