[Fwd: Ideal Init String for Sporster Flash as dial in modem on a Linux Server?]

Jonathan Benson (tech@phoenixmags.com.au)
Tue, 17 Feb 1998 06:52:11 +0100

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I thought I'd try here as well. Below is a forwarded copy of a message
I've sent to USR tech support. Be interesting to see where I get the
most help from. :)


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Message-ID: <34E910D1.234A0BDB@phoenixmags.com.au>
Date: Tue, 17 Feb 1998 15:23:45 +1100
From: Jonathan Benson <tech@phoenixmags.com.au>
Organization: Phoenix Magazines
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.03 [en] (Win95; I)
MIME-Version: 1.0
To: support@usr.com
Subject: Ideal Init String for Sporster Flash as dial in modem on a Linux Server?
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I'm having troubles dialing in to a Linux server using PPP from a
Windows 95 machine. ANY suggestions you may give as to the ideal setup
would be MOST appreciated as the line drops after a random interval.
Sometimes not lasting 5 minutes, others it may last for 2hrs.

BOTH machines are using a US Robotics Sportster Flash. The modem, port
and phone line on BOTH machines has been tested (as an outgoing PPP
connection to various ISPs) and would appear to be fine. Ie. we have a
permanent link that has stayed up for days on the Linux server using
either of the 2 modems (both USR Sporster Flash), 2 com ports, or the
two phone lines, and the Win95 machine has been used to dial in to 4
different ISPs and stayed connected for many an hour.

The Linux server is running RedHat 5.0 and using mgetty1.1.11-Dec16 and
ppp-2.3.3-1 for the dial in line.

mgetty is being run as:
S1:2345:respawn:/sbin/mgetty -x 5 -s 115200 -D ttyS1

The line has been set with setserial to:
/dev/ttyS1, UART: 16550A, Port: 0x02f8, IRQ: 3, Flags: spd_hi hup_notify

ppp is using the following options:
-detach lock modem passive crtscts netmask proxyarp

The current Init String being used on the server is:

This weird init string was my attempt to make the modem more tolerant to
line noise. It didn't seem to do much good. :-(

Oh, and BTW I am in Australia so I'm using the appropriately modified
version (ie the factory settings are changed to suit Australia).

So anyway, ANY and ALL suggestions you might be able to give would be
VERY much appreciated as I need this link to be reliable so I can
remotely administer the machine when I go on holidays. :-( I've been
attempting to get it working on and off for the last 3 weeks so a prompt
reply would be ideal, although I realise you support guys/gals are
generally overwhelmed all year round.


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