operation not permittet ()

Gert Doering (gert@greenie.muc.de)
Tue, 17 Feb 1998 11:18:54 +0100


St. Rosik wrote:
> Gert Doering wrote:
> > > Bei mgetty's Versuch new_fax aufzurufen, kommt der Fehler 'operation not
> > > permittet ()', was muss ich tun, damit es funzt???
> > The file has to exist, and must be executable ("chmod +x new_fax").
> strings /usr/sbin/mgetty | grep new_fax == >
> /usr/lib/mgetty+sendfax/new_fax
> ls -l /usr/lib/mgetty+sendfax/new_fax == > -rwxr-xr-x 1 root 
> root  1886 Feb 9 15:02 /usr/lib/mgetty+sendfax/new_fax
> but it still doesn't work, why ???

Hard to say. Can you post the script and the last 5 lines from mgetty's
log file before this error message?

What happens if you run the script from the command line? Does it give an
error message or does it succeeds? (Use the same command line that is
listed in the mgetty log file).


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Gert Doering - Munich, Germany      gert@greenie.muc.de
fax: +49-89-35655025    gert.doering@physik.tu-muenchen.de