Practical Peripherals

Mario Becroft (
Tue, 17 Feb 1998 07:33:34 +0100

On Mon, 16 Feb 1998, Robert J. Brown wrote:

> Now I am upset! I bought a PP external because I needed 56KFlex to
> support a particular client of mine, and Zyxel did not have the
> firmware upgrade ready. I purchased this particular PP modem because
> it said it had class-2 fax support, even though it said nothing about
> voice. As a result of the above posting, I thought "I wonder...", so
> I tried it. FOOBAR! I have been lied to! False advertising. Gross
> misrepresentation. I want my money back!

I have had the same unfortunate experience... In this case I purchased a
KTX and then a Dynalink modem, both of which were advertised as class 2
and both of which certainly did not include class 2 support. Fortunately
in both cases I was able to return the items for a full refund, but it was
not a nice experience. I now have a US Robotics Sportster modem which
works very nicely, although that doesn't really help you with your

It seems you just cannot believe what modem manufacturers will tell you,
until you see it with your own eyes, unfortunately...

BTW, both of the problematic modems had Rockwell chipsets.

Mario Becroft    Auckland, New Zealand |\__/,| (`\
Tariland, Atari Support in New Zealand    _.|o o |_ ) ) --(((---(((--------
