56K external data/fax minitower modem

"Robert J. Brown" (rj@eli.elilabs.com)
Mon, 16 Feb 1998 19:05:34 +0100

I purchased one of your 56K external data/fax minitower modems last
fall, around Thanksgiving, I think it was. I needed to be able to
connect with a modem pool that was running 56KFlex, but I also wanted
a modem that would be capable of class-2 fax operations, since I run a 
unix system with mgetty/sendfax, which requires class-2 fax for proper 
operation of fax transmission and reception. It states clearly on the 
box, on the back side, on the right, with a purple background, under
"Modem Feateurs", subheading "Fax Reliability", third bullet item
"Class 1 and Class 2 fax.

I just tried the following, and look at what I get:

 bash# cu -l /dev/ttyS3 -e -o --nostop -s 115200 dir


Clearly, the modem did not read the box it came in, as it only admits
to supporting 0 and 1. 

I am upset, to say the least, as I was sold a false bill of goods.
The *ONLY* reason that this particular modem was purchased was because 
it claimed to support both 56KFlex and class-2 fax. If the box had
been honestly labeled to indicate that calss-2 was not supported, then 
your modem would have been in the same performance category as modems
costing half as much. I would not have bought your modem.

The modem I would have prefered was an Accura external 56KFlex/class-2 
fax/voice modem from Hayes, which cost even more than your modem, but
they were on back orrder everywhere, and I needed to get a 56KFlex
conection up, so I compromised and bought your modem over other
56KFlex modems solely because I could add it to my pool of fax modems.

Now today I try the fax features on your modem and discover I have
been a victim of false advertising. I would like you to either refund 
my money, or provide me with an external modem that can operate at
56KFlex and do class-2 fax operations.

Please let me know how we can resolve this situation.

Thank you.

-------- "And there came a writing to him from Elijah" [2Ch 21:12] --------
Robert Jay Brown III rj@eli.elilabs.com http://www.elilabs.com 1 847 705-0424
Elijah Laboratories Inc.; 37 South Greenwood Avenue; Palatine, IL 60067-6328
----- M o d e l i n g t h e M e t h o d s o f t h e M i n d ------