Dan Cook (
Mon, 16 Feb 1998 06:47:28 +0100

I have two VT320s, a VT420, and a bunch of modems
connected to my system via an 8-port Hayes ESP-II

mgetty works well with the modems. I highly recommend it
for use with modems. Don't use mgetty for the terminals
though. Stick with plain getty for the terminals. Back
when I ran slackware (I now use Redhat), I used agetty.

A VT320 has a six-pin DEC-423 MMJ connector as follows:

+---+ |

This looks like a US standard RJ11 telco connector except
that the tab is offset to one side rather than centered.

 1 DTR Data terminal ready from VT320
 2 TXD+ Transmit data
 3 TXD- Common ground for TXD+ and DTR
 4 RXD- Common ground for RXD+ and DSR
 5 RXD+ Receive data
 6 DSR Data set ready to VT320

To interface this with a 25-pin EIA232D type connector,
connect either RXD- or TXD- to pin 7. Ignore DSR, you
won't need it. Connect TXD+ to pin 2 and RXD+ to pin 3.
If that doesn't work, reverse pins 2 and 3. Be sure to
put the VT320 into data leads only mode in setup->comm.

The reason why I say just to reverse pins 2 and 3 if it
doesn't work is that you want your connection to have
the effect of a null modem connection. I don't recall
which way mine are connected and don't feel like taking
apart one of the connector shells at this particular
moment to find out.

- Dan