dtmf.sh -- how do I get it to execute commands from tones

lonnig (lonnig@vnet.net)
Mon, 16 Feb 1998 00:26:26 +0100

Hi All,

I have gotten vgetty and mgetty to run pretty good with my USR 33.6
vi. This modem is setup to handle inbound fax,voice, data (shell and
ppp). I have a second modem and phone line that connects to the
internet. The second modem is activated by cron processes as well as
by diald.

What I would like to be able to do is dial in to my linux box and use
a dtmf code to bring up the ppp link and take the ppp link down. I
like to access my home network while I am at work. Now I can dial
into the system, login and ping or telnet to the internet, hang up and
the ppp link remains active for a short time. Then I typically hit my
box via the internet from work. I rarely have access to a machine
with a modem at work, so it is difficult to activate my home ppp link.

I do active my ppp link at certain times of the day to get mail, etc
but it would be nice to activate it when I need it. Also, I would
like to be able to play my phone messages remotely like a normal
answering machine. Is this possible?

I would like to set up dtmf.sh to respond to a sequence of tones and
then execute a command rather than a single tone. According to my log
files, my modem and vgetty are recognizing the tones but since I do
not have it set up to react to the tones it doesnt do anything.

This is an older version of vgetty from summer of 1997, I have spent
most of my time getting everything to work and am just now getting to
some of the neat things it can do. Since it works so well right now
and it suits my needs I do not want to upgrade it. Has anyone done
anything like this and could you tell me how to do this?

