FHS:54 - sendfax works, sort of...

Marcel Gagne (mggagne@salmar.com)
Sat, 14 Feb 1998 18:29:19 +0100

Hi everyone,

I've set up a linux system (RedHat 4.2) with the latest mgetty+sendfax and 
things seem to work mostly well. My Windows backend is Respond.exe to fire 
the things out.

Most faxes seem to go through. I do get the odd one where things seem to be 
working but the fax fails at the end of the first page.

The log file says something about FHS:54 after trying to send EOP and that is 
all she wrote. The modem is a dreaded USR fax modem <insert appropriate 
smiley here>. I'd rather not have to replace the modem.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Later, eh.

Marcel (Free Thinker at Large) Gagne