vgetty functions, but mgetty can't receive faxes ...

Gert Doering (
Sat, 14 Feb 1998 15:31:48 +0100


Robert Frank wrote:
> > I have heard about this from other USR Sportster users before, but do not
> > have the slightest idea what's going on here. Read() should never return
> > 0, except at end-of-file, which means that any further access wouldn't
> > succeed either -- but it does!
> Thanks for your response,
> I think a real strange thing is:
> 1) if I have vgetty in my /etc/inittab, I have problems as in
> <> described.
> 2) if I have mgetty in my /etc/inittab, mgetty runs perfect and I am able to
> receive faxes or to log in.

Uh. I think I did not read that closely enough.

Yes, this might be a problem. Vgetty has (had?) the serial port set to 
VTIME>0, which will cause problems in the fax receiver.

[And which causes problems with AIX' and others select() implementation]

Marc, what's the current state of this? Is VTIME still >0, when waiting
for a call?


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Gert Doering - Munich, Germany
fax: +49-89-35655025