faxrunq error tio: cannot flush queue: I/O error

"St. Rosik" (s01q@uni-bremen.de)
Sat, 14 Feb 1998 14:16:38 +0100


I recently tried to send som pages via faxspool. Converting and sending
of the first page succeded, but having finished sending the first page,
sendfaxx terminated with the error message:

02/14 14:11:08 dem tio: cannot flush queue: I/O error
02/14 14:11:08 dem fax_send: 'AT+FCLASS=0'
02/14 14:11:08 dem fax_send: cannot write: I/O error
02/14 14:11:08 dem tio: cannot flush queue: I/O error

Can anyone help??


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 my connections: tel:+421 44 27 10  #
 		 fax:+421 44 27 90  # 
		 mail: s01q@uni-bremen.de#
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