G3 Viewer for Windows

Oliver Nittka (nittka@esem.com)
Fri, 13 Feb 1998 12:53:37 +0100

In article <6bu9li$huc@kalserv.esem.com>,
	nittka@esem.com (Oliver Nittka) writes:

>if you'd like to look at the beta, drop me a message and i'll put it
>on our ftp-server.

hi !

i've uploaded it to
ftp://ftp.esem.com/distri/WinViewfax32.zip (for win95/nt)
ftp://ftp.esem.com/distri/wviewfx.zip  (for 3.11)
ftp://ftp.esem.com/distri/WinViewfax-src.zip (sources, delphi)

there's almost no documentation (none needed ;-) and it's beta.

 -- oly  
Oliver Nittka   | nittka@esem.com
ESEM Gruenau GmbH & Co. KG | http://www.esem.com
Riedheimer Str.6   | phone: +49 7544 9583-25
88677 Markdorf / Germany | fax: +49 7544 9583-60
