G3 Viewer for Windows

Steffan Henke (henker@informatik.uni-bremen.de)
Thu, 12 Feb 1998 15:25:11 +0100

Sebastian Fritsch <s.fritsch@usa.net> wrote:
: another question, is there a Windows program available that supports
: viewing G3 files?

Now, that would be a great idea. I share my Linux fax directory via Samba 
with a Windows 95 machine and it would be great to view faxes directly 
instead of converting them. I even sometimes use an X-Server and display 
the fax from the Linux machine... I have had a look at cygwin´s gcc for 
Win which is great, there is even tcl included, so maybe something could 
be done to port a faxviewer for Win.



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