Another problem with USR Sportster flash X2

Gert Doering (
Fri, 13 Feb 1998 10:53:36 +0100


Jose Manuel Fornés Rumbao wrote:
> I tried to send several faxes with only one page to a fax machine and
> this was the result:
> 02/10 21:06:06 sendfax: experimental test release 1.1.12-Jan27
> 02/10 21:07:06 m/a tio_set_flow_control( XON_OUT )
> 02/10 21:07:06 m/a sending DLE '.'
> 02/10 21:07:22 m/a connection hangup: '+FHS:54'
> 02/10 21:07:22 m/a (No response to EOP repeated 3 times)

This means, that at the end of the page transmission, there was no
acknowledge signal from the other end (no positive or negative ACK *at

Usually this means that the remote end didn't like what it received, but
you'd need to tell us what *exactly* came out of the remote machine to
give hints what could cause the problem.

(btw, this is all documented in the "common problems and solutions"
section of the file).

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Gert Doering - Munich, Germany
fax: +49-89-35655025