
Wolfgang Brungert (
Thu, 12 Feb 1998 12:50:57 +0100


In article <>,
	Matjaz Terpin <> writes:
> Hi!
> I'm trying to set up a linux dial-up server which would call
> back Win95 clients. On the server side I'm using mgetty+callback.
> However, when the server hangs up to call back, the client (Wintendo95)
> bails out of the dial-in script. This does not happen when you dial
> an NT server.

the callback breaks the connection !! and the w95 modem get DCD lost, so 
the script ends. Here we make this:

in the dial up script under w95 we set DCD = static on and if the callback 
establishes the connection we set DCD to the active stage back.

You get the idea ??

> Does anyone know what does NT send to the Win95 client to tell it to
> answer the next call instead of finishing with the dial-in script?
> Did anyone solve the same problem some other way? I really don't
> want to install an NT server, since I don't know it very well
> and I don't trust it at all. It is M$ after all...
> Thanks!
> Matjaz
> BTW: 95-mgetty-callback works with good ol' Trumpet Winsock, but
> most of the 95 apps. don't 8-(


 Wolfgang Brungert     phone: +49 251 977 4142
 DeTeMobil      fax: +49 251 977 4149
 Roddestrasse 12     mail:
 48047 Muenster      