Cirrus Logic generic (Communicator 56K) mis-identified?

Matt Atkins (
Thu, 12 Feb 1998 08:32:09 +0100

Okay - this modem's called 'The Communicator 56', and it's produced by
Jaton, Inc. The box says it has a IS-101 compatable command set, and Cirrus 
Logic chips.

The modem's responses to various ATI commands typed into Minicom:

ATI0 or ATI	1.0

ATI1		CD04.08 - Msk 5.36 P - SP 04

ATI3		CL-MD56xx

ATI5		Host I/F: Parallel
		P. Mem. : 016 Bit 003 W.S.
		D. Mem : 008 Bit 001 W.S.
		DSP code location = INT ROM
		32K DSP RAM Present, Upgradable To 56K Modem 000


ATI10		255

>From what I can gather, from Cirrus Logic's info about the MD56xx, the 
commands are similar to the ones in Multitech_2834.c and IS_101.c, 
instead of ./libvoice/Cirrus_Logic.c

I've tried tinkering with detect.c, but figuring out how to make the
system detect my modem as a Multitech, or to create a new setup for it is 
apparently beyond my (practically nonexsistant) programming skills.

I've saw refrences to 'Forcing the modem detect' in detect.c (Line 52?) ,
but can't quite figure out how to do it...

Any help at all would be appriciated - A level 9 logging of an attempted
run of vm follows. Thank you for your time!

The command 

vm record temp.voc

generated the following in vm.log : 

02/12 02:18:00 vgetty: experimental test release 0.7.3 / 10Aug97
02/12 02:18:00 mgetty: experimental test release 1.1.9-Aug17
02/12 02:18:00 reading program vm configuration from config file /usr/local/etc/mgetty+sendfax/voice.conf
02/12 02:18:00 opening voice modem device
02/12 02:18:00 voice open 'ttyS2'
02/12 02:18:00 trying device '/dev/ttyS2'
02/12 02:18:00 makelock(ttyS2) called
02/12 02:18:00 do_makelock: lock='/var/lock/LCK..ttyS2'
02/12 02:18:00 lock made
02/12 02:18:00 opened voice modem device /dev/ttyS2
02/12 02:18:00 reading port ttyS2 configuration from config file /usr/local/etc/mgetty+sendfax/voice.conf
02/12 02:18:00 reading /usr/local/etc/mgetty+sendfax/voice.conf...
02/12 02:18:00 conf lib: read: 'part generic'
02/12 02:18:00 found CT_KEYWORD part generic
02/12 02:18:00 conf lib: read: 'voice_log_level 6'
02/12 02:18:00 conf lib: read: 'voice_dir /var/spool/voice'
02/12 02:18:00 conf lib: read: 'message_flag_file .flag'
02/12 02:18:00 conf lib: read: 'receive_dir incoming'
02/12 02:18:00 conf lib: read: 'message_dir messages'
02/12 02:18:00 conf lib: read: 'message_list Index'
02/12 02:18:00 conf lib: read: 'backup_message standard.rmd'
02/12 02:18:00 conf lib: read: 'port_speed 38400'
02/12 02:18:00 conf lib: read: 'voice_shell /bin/sh'
02/12 02:18:00 conf lib: read: 'port_timeout 10'
02/12 02:18:00 conf lib: read: 'dial_timeout 90'
02/12 02:18:00 conf lib: read: 'command_delay 100'
02/12 02:18:00 conf lib: read: 'dtmf_len 30'
02/12 02:18:00 conf lib: read: 'dtmf_threshold 40'
02/12 02:18:00 conf lib: read: 'dtmf_wait 7'
02/12 02:18:00 conf lib: read: 'ignore_fax_dle false'
02/12 02:18:00 conf lib: read: 'raw_data false'
02/12 02:18:00 conf lib: read: 'rec_compression 0'
02/12 02:18:00 conf lib: read: 'rec_speed 0'
02/12 02:18:00 conf lib: read: 'rec_silence_len 70'
02/12 02:18:00 conf lib: read: 'rec_silence_threshold 40'
02/12 02:18:00 conf lib: read: 'rec_remove_silence false'
02/12 02:18:00 conf lib: read: 'rec_max_len 300'
02/12 02:18:00 conf lib: read: 'rec_min_len 0'
02/12 02:18:00 conf lib: read: 'do_hard_flow true'
02/12 02:18:00 conf lib: read: 'beep_frequency 933'
02/12 02:18:00 conf lib: read: 'beep_length 150'
02/12 02:18:00 conf lib: read: 'max_tries 3'
02/12 02:18:00 conf lib: read: 'retry_delay 5'
02/12 02:18:00 conf lib: read: 'watchdog_timeout 60'
02/12 02:18:00 conf lib: read: 'receive_gain -1'
02/12 02:18:00 conf lib: read: 'transmit_gain -1'
02/12 02:18:00 conf lib: read: 'enable_command_echo true'
02/12 02:18:00 conf lib: read: 'program vgetty'
02/12 02:18:00 conf lib: read: 'rings 4'
02/12 02:18:00 conf lib: read: 'answer_mode voice:fax:data'
02/12 02:18:00 conf lib: read: 'force_autodetect false'
02/12 02:18:00 conf lib: read: 'toll_saver_rings 2'
02/12 02:18:00 conf lib: read: 'rec_always_keep true'
02/12 02:18:00 conf lib: read: 'button_program '
02/12 02:18:00 conf lib: read: 'call_program '
02/12 02:18:00 conf lib: read: 'dtmf_program'
02/12 02:18:00 conf lib: read: 'message_program '
02/12 02:18:00 conf lib: read: 'do_message_light false'
02/12 02:18:00 conf lib: read: 'program vm'
02/12 02:18:00 conf lib: read: 'voice_devices ttyS2'
02/12 02:18:00 conf lib: read: 'dialout_timeout 90'
02/12 02:18:00 conf lib: read: 'program pvf'
02/12 02:18:00 conf lib: read: 'ring_type virtual'
02/12 02:18:00 conf lib: read: 'answer_mode fax:data'
02/12 02:18:00 key: 'part', type=6, flags=4, data=(ignored)
02/12 02:18:00 key: 'program', type=6, flags=4, data=(ignored)
02/12 02:18:00 key: 'port', type=6, flags=4, data=(ignored)
02/12 02:18:00 key: 'ring_type', type=6, flags=4, data=(ignored)
02/12 02:18:00 key: 'voice_log_level', type=0, flags=3, data=6
02/12 02:18:00 key: 'voice_devices', type=1, flags=3, data=ttyS2
02/12 02:18:00 key: 'port_speed', type=0, flags=3, data=38400
02/12 02:18:00 key: 'port_timeout', type=0, flags=3, data=10
02/12 02:18:00 key: 'dtmf_len', type=0, flags=3, data=30
02/12 02:18:00 key: 'dtmf_threshold', type=0, flags=3, data=40
02/12 02:18:00 key: 'dtmf_wait', type=0, flags=3, data=7
02/12 02:18:00 key: 'rec_compression', type=0, flags=3, data=0
02/12 02:18:00 key: 'rec_speed', type=0, flags=3, data=0
02/12 02:18:00 key: 'rec_silence_len', type=0, flags=3, data=70
02/12 02:18:00 key: 'rec_silence_threshold', type=0, flags=3, data=40
02/12 02:18:00 key: 'rec_remove_silence', type=3, flags=3, data=FALSE
02/12 02:18:00 key: 'rec_max_len', type=0, flags=3, data=300
02/12 02:18:00 key: 'receive_gain', type=0, flags=3, data=-1
02/12 02:18:00 key: 'transmit_gain', type=0, flags=3, data=-1
02/12 02:18:00 key: 'rings', type=1, flags=1, data=3
02/12 02:18:00 key: 'answer_mode', type=1, flags=1, data=voice:fax:data
02/12 02:18:00 key: 'toll_saver_rings', type=0, flags=1, data=0
02/12 02:18:00 key: 'rec_always_keep', type=3, flags=1, data=TRUE
02/12 02:18:00 key: 'voice_dir', type=1, flags=3, data=/var/spool/voice
02/12 02:18:00 key: 'message_flag_file', type=1, flags=3, data=.flag
02/12 02:18:00 key: 'receive_dir', type=1, flags=3, data=incoming
02/12 02:18:00 key: 'message_dir', type=1, flags=3, data=messages
02/12 02:18:00 key: 'message_list', type=1, flags=3, data=Index
02/12 02:18:00 key: 'backup_message', type=1, flags=3, data=standard.rmd
02/12 02:18:00 key: 'dialout_timeout', type=0, flags=3, data=90
02/12 02:18:00 key: 'beep_frequency', type=0, flags=3, data=933
02/12 02:18:00 key: 'beep_length', type=0, flags=3, data=150
02/12 02:18:00 key: 'raw_data', type=3, flags=3, data=FALSE
02/12 02:18:00 key: 'max_tries', type=0, flags=3, data=3
02/12 02:18:00 key: 'retry_delay', type=0, flags=3, data=5
02/12 02:18:00 key: 'voice_shell', type=1, flags=3, data=/bin/sh
02/12 02:18:00 key: 'button_program', type=1, flags=1, data=
02/12 02:18:00 key: 'call_program', type=1, flags=1, data=
02/12 02:18:00 key: 'dtmf_program', type=1, flags=1,
02/12 02:18:00 key: 'message_program', type=1, flags=1, data=
02/12 02:18:00 key: 'do_message_light', type=3, flags=1, data=FALSE
02/12 02:18:00 key: 'do_hard_flow', type=3, flags=3, data=TRUE
02/12 02:18:00 key: 'force_autodetect', type=3, flags=1, data=FALSE
02/12 02:18:00 key: 'watchdog_timeout', type=0, flags=3, data=60
02/12 02:18:00 key: 'rec_min_len', type=0, flags=3, data=0
02/12 02:18:00 key: 'command_delay', type=0, flags=3, data=100
02/12 02:18:00 key: 'ignore_fax_dle', type=3, flags=3, data=FALSE
02/12 02:18:00 key: 'dial_timeout', type=0, flags=3, data=90
02/12 02:18:00 key: 'enable_command_echo', type=3, flags=3, data=TRUE
02/12 02:18:00 tss: set speed to 38400 (017)
02/12 02:18:00 tio_set_flow_control( HARD )
02/12 02:18:00 detecting voice modem type
02/12 02:18:00 vm: ATE1
02/12 02:18:00 voice command: '' -> 'OK|ATE1'
02/12 02:18:01 serial port: ATE1
02/12 02:18:01 serial port: OK
02/12 02:18:01 voice command: 'ATI' -> ''
02/12 02:18:01 vm: ATI
02/12 02:18:01 serial port: ATI
02/12 02:18:01 serial port: 1.0
02/12 02:18:01 serial port: OK
02/12 02:18:01 no voice modem detected: No such file or directory
