G3 Viewer for Windows

Oliver Nittka (nittka@esem.com)
Thu, 12 Feb 1998 08:51:14 +0100

In article <34DDE758.4C6@usa.net>,
	s.fritsch@usa.net (Sebastian Fritsch) writes:
>another question, is there a Windows program available that supports
>viewing G3 files?

i've done a fair part of a g3-viewer for windows, with the mouse behaving like
in viewfax, and it is able to print.
loading a full (a4) page is painfully slow though, that's why i
didn't release it yet (and because of some minor bugs).

if you'd like to look at the beta, drop me a message and i'll put it
on our ftp-server.

will be gpl'ed.

 -- oly

Oliver Nittka   | nittka@esem.com
ESEM Gruenau GmbH & Co. KG | http://www.esem.com
Riedheimer Str.6   | phone: +49 7544 9583-25
88677 Markdorf / Germany | fax: +49 7544 9583-60
